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Christ Lost and Found | Beverly Carradine, 1898 Salvation
He was lost here according to this Scripture. And He was lost by those who loved Him. And lost in Jerusalem and in the Temple!.... And yet why be astonished when the same thing is happening today. Christ is still lost by His friends, and in Jerusalem, and in the Temple.
The Travail of Zion | Beverly Carradine, 1910 Salvation
Travail is one of the sharpest pains known in the physical realm.... [God] applies it to the church, and says that such a suffering, burden, and agonizing cry must come on His people, before sons and daughters are born unto Him.
Why Weepest Thou? | Beverly Carradine, 1899 Hope
Of all the things that He might have said, perhaps no more beautiful, blessed, needful, and significant speech could have been made by Him to His sorrowing disciples—and, beyond them, to the struggling, battling Church in all ages, and even to the sinful world itself.