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6 items:

Giving Up the Right to Our Standard of Living | Mabel R. Williamson, 1957 Missionary
Most of us like things the way we are used to having them.... What is to be our attitude on the mission field? Are we free to try to have things the way we would like them...? Or ought we to attempt... to conform to the way of life of the people among whom we live?
God or a System: Which? | Lottie L. Jarvis Church
To love God personally and perfectly will produce the most perfect obedience and the most perfect heroism, and the most perfect destiny of which the soul is capable.... to obey Him with supreme personal loyalty, is our only true holiness and service.
God’s Eagles | L. Y. Janes, 1937 Faith
So God stirs our nests, and we weep and sob and cry—money gone, friends gone, church gone; nobody loves me. Then Jesus Christ stretches out one great wing, and we begin to take hold of Him, and then He moves out and up and away.
God Values Your Soul | Fred Pruitt Invitation
God values your soul so highly that He gave His own Son to bear your sin and its penalty: to be reviled, defamed, cursed, put to shame and contempt, and slaughtered in crucifixion. What an immense price for your soul!
Go Forward | James R. Miller, 1908 Growth
There is always danger that we become contented with our routine, and indisposed to go beyond it.... But, besides this monotonous round... there should always be something larger going on. "You have gone around this mountain long enough: turn northward."
Greasy the Robber | Anonymous/Unknown, 1940 Salvation
Greasy shut the book and lay it under his pillow. Rolling himself in his covers, he tried to sleep, but sleep would not come.... Over and over again rose the picture of how the two travelers on their knees had pled to be spared.