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4 items:

Correcting Children | Fred Pruitt, 2007 Parenting
It takes wisdom from above to know when to correct.... One method or rule will not apply to every child, since they have different temperaments, different dispositions, and also much variation in intellectual comprehension.
God Values Your Soul | Fred Pruitt Invitation
God values your soul so highly that He gave His own Son to bear your sin and its penalty: to be reviled, defamed, cursed, put to shame and contempt, and slaughtered in crucifixion. What an immense price for your soul!
Hear God’s Voice and Follow Him | Fred Pruitt, 2012 Discernment
Brothers and sisters in Christ, let us keep in our hearts a love for the truth and the crucified way, lest we be led astray by any of the deceivers around us.... Those who get grounded and settled in the truth will not be blown about by different winds of doctrine.
Yield Not to Discouragement | Fred Pruitt Encouragement
When you yield to discouragement, by that act you are saying that you do not believe God's Word, and you have listened to Satan's lying vanities and put yourself out of the reach of God's mercy until you confess and repent from the heart.