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Remembering Christ’s Birth | Mark P. Spinks, 2017 Christmas
Each of the characters God used in recording the events around Jesus' birth have their precious story.... God's dealings with each of these Bible figures offers a wealth of insights that He will apply to our own lives if we take the time to study and ponder.
Remember Now Thy Creator | Ostis B. Wilson, Jr., 2010 Youth
Whatever it takes for you to save your soul, whatever sacrifices you may have to make, whatever the cost may be, whatever you may have to deny yourself.... This life is just a little while. Eternity is a long time.
Remove Not the Ancient Landmarks | Ostis B. Wilson, Jr. Compromise
There has been a great cry... for liberty of conscience. But let us realize that this tendency generally runs into a liberal conscience, and there is a vast difference between a liberal conscience and liberty of conscience.
Renewed Day by Day | George Muller, 1841 Bible/Word
The first thing to be concerned about is not how much I might serve the Lord, or how I might glorify the Lord; but how I might get my soul into a happy state, and how my inner man might be nourished.
Riches of Grace | Enoch E. Byrum, 1918 Story
My heart cries out, "What a mighty God! What a great and loving Father!" Counting my blessings, I find they so far outnumber my trials that it brings me real courage to press on, knowing that, as I do, grace will be given me to meet whatever may yet lie in my pathway.