Timeless Truths Free Online Library | books, sheet music, midi, and more
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125 items:

A Child's Song of Heaven | Martha Nighswander A Child’s Song of Heaven | Martha Nighswander, 1998 Anticipation
I want to go to Heaven, that Home so bright and fair; / So beautiful, and—best of all—Dear Jesus will be there! …
A Crown Over There | Barney E. Warren A Crown Over There | Barney E. Warren, 1907 Anticipation
Shall I wear that bright crown God has offered to me, / When my life shall have come to a close? …
A Few More Marchings Weary | William H. Doane A Few More Marchings Weary | Frances J. Crosby, 1882 Anticipation
A few more marchings weary, / Then we'll gather home! …
Along the Silent Path | Charles E. Pollock Along the Silent Path | Mary B. Slade, 1867 Anticipation
Along the silent path / By viewless spirits trod, …
A Mansion in Glory | Barney E. Warren A Mansion in Glory | Daniel S. Warner, 1893 Anticipation
A mansion is waiting in glory, / My Savior has gone to prepare; …
Anticipation | Charles W. Naylor Anticipation | Charles W. Naylor, 1900 Anticipation
When the last earth-tie is sundered, / And my soul set free; …
Rest (Bradbury) | William B. Bradbury Asleep in Jesus | Margaret Mackay, 1832 Anticipation
Asleep in Jesus! Blessed sleep, / From which none ever wakes to weep; …
A Sweeter Anthem | Barney E. Warren A Sweeter Anthem | Daniel S. Warner, 1888 Anticipation
When we pass the golden summer, / And, like autumn leaves, retire …
Christmas (2) | George F. Handel Awake, My Soul, Stretch Every Nerve | Philip Doddridge, 1755 Anticipation
Awake, my soul, stretch every nerve, / And press with vigor on; …
Beautiful | Barney E. Warren Beautiful | Barney E. Warren, 1897 Anticipation
Beautiful robes so white, / Beautiful land of light, …
Beautiful Isle of Somewhere | John S. Fearis Beautiful Isle of Somewhere | Jessie B. Pounds, 1897 Anticipation
Somewhere the sun is shining, / Somewhere the songbirds dwell; …
Beyond the Sunset | William O. Perkins Beyond the Sunset | Josephine Pollard, 1871 Anticipation
Beyond the sunset's radiant glow / There is a brighter world, I know, …
Bright Anticipation | Barney E. Warren Bright Anticipation | Barney E. Warren, 1900 Anticipation
There's a voice full of sweetness and love, / It is speaking so kindly to me: …
Bright Jewels | Barney E. Warren Bright Jewels | Barney E. Warren, 1903 Anticipation
When all the dear children are gathering home, / We shall be there, we shall be there; …
Bright Land for Me | Barney E. Warren Bright Land for Me | Barney E. Warren, 1907 Anticipation
Sweet and precious Jesus, / All to Thee, all to Thee. …
By and By | Philip P. Bliss By and By | Eben E. Rexford, 1871 Anticipation
By and by we shall know Jesus, / By and by, oh, by and by; …
Christ Returneth | James McGranahan Christ Returneth | H. L. Turner, 1878 Anticipation
It may be at morn, when the day is awaking, / When sunlight through darkness and shadow is breaking, …
Climbing Up the Golden Stair | Emma M. Booth-Tucker Climbing Up the Golden Stair | Emma M. Booth-Tucker, 1893 Anticipation
Oh, my heart is full of music and of gladness, / As on wings of love and faith I upward fly; …
Crossing the Bar | Joseph Barnby Crossing the Bar | Alfred Tennyson, 1889 Anticipation
Sunset and evening star, / And one clear call for me! …
Evening and Morning | Barney E. Warren Evening and Morning | Barney E. Warren, 1900 Anticipation
When the evening is coming, / And the dark clouds appear, …
Face to Face with Christ, My Savior | Grant C. Tullar Face to Face with Christ, My Savior | Carrie E. Breck, 1898 Anticipation
Face to face with Christ, my Savior, / Face to face—what will it be, …
Fling Wide the Gates! | Evangeline C. Booth Fling Wide the Gates! | Evangeline C. Booth, 1915 Anticipation
Fling wide the gates! I hear the angels singing, / Fling wide the gates! I hear bright music ringing; …
Glories of Christ | Anonymous/Unknown Glories of Christ | Thomas H. Nelson, 1899 Anticipation
When I gave all to Jesus, / He gave Himself to me, …
God Be with You | William G. Tomer God Be with You till We Meet Again | Jeremiah E. Rankin, 1880 Anticipation
God be with you till we meet again, / By His counsels guide, uphold you, …
Gone Home to Rest | Barney E. Warren Gone Home to Rest | Daniel S. Warner, 1888 Anticipation
Asleep in Jesus, oh, how sweet / The scene of closing day, …
Gone to Bloom Above | Daniel O. Teasley Gone to Bloom Above | Daniel S. Warner, 1893 Anticipation
A gentle hand unseen by us / Has plucked our tender bud; …
When the Mists Have Rolled Away (2) | Ira D. Sankey Happy Home | Arthur W. Bavan, 1903 Anticipation
There's a crown laid up in glory, / There's a robe for all to wear, …
Have You a Welcome? | Barney E. Warren Have You a Welcome? | Daniel S. Warner, 1888 Anticipation
O blessed Jesus, for Thee we are waiting, / Waiting in joy for that glorious morning dawn; …
Heaven Holds All to Me | Tillit S. Teddlie Heaven Holds All to Me | Tillit S. Teddlie, 1915 Anticipation
Earth holds no treasures but perish with using, / However precious they be; …
Heavenly Chorus | H. R. Jeffrey Heavenly Chorus | H. R. Jeffrey, 1885 Anticipation
Listen to the heav'nly music / Made by those who never tire, …
Heavenly Welcome | Jennie Mast Heavenly Welcome | Jennie Mast, 1906 Anticipation
Feet that have carried the gospel glad, / Tidings of peace as the Savior said; …
Bridegroom | Joel A. Erickson He Is Waiting for Me | Joel A. Erickson, 2004 Anticipation
Dear friends, listen, let me tell you, / If I but could portray …
Home of the Soul | Philip Phillips Home of the Soul (Gates) | Ellen H. Gates, 1865 Anticipation
I will sing you a song of that beautiful land, / The faraway home of the soul, …
How Beautiful Heaven Must Be | Andy P. Bland How Beautiful Heaven Must Be | Mrs. A. S. Bridgewater, 1920 Anticipation
We read of a place that's called heaven, / It's made for the pure and the free; …
'Tis Midnight Hour | Anonymous/Unknown How Far from Home? | Annie R. Smith, 1853 Anticipation
How far from home? I asked, as on / I bent my steps—the watchman spake: …
I Feel Like Traveling On | James D. Vaughan I Feel Like Traveling On | William Hunter, 1838 Anticipation
My heav'nly home is bright and fair, / I feel like traveling on; …
If I Could Hear My Mother Pray Again | John W. Vaughan If I Could Hear My Mother Pray Again | James Rowe, 1922 Anticipation
How sweet and happy seem those days of which I dream, / When memory recalls them now and then! …
I Have a Home | Barney E. Warren I Have a Home | Barney E. Warren, 1897 Anticipation
I have a home prepared for me, / A mansion bright across the sea; …
I Know That My Redeemer Lives | George C. Stebbins I Know That My Redeemer Lives | H. A. Merrill, 1879 Anticipation
I know that my Redeemer lives, / That He's prepared a home for me, …
Sweet By and By | Joseph P. Webster In the Sweet By and By | Sanford F. Bennett, 1868 Anticipation
There's a land that is fairer than day, / And by faith we can see it afar; …
Is It the Crowning Day? | Charles H. Marsh Is It the Crowning Day? | Henry Ostrom, 1910 Anticipation
Jesus may come today, / Glad day, glad day! …
It Will Matter but Little at Last | Rufus H. Cornelius It Will Matter but Little at Last | Johnson Oatman, Jr., 1924 Anticipation
When we get to the end of our journey, / And our struggles are over and past, …
Beatitudo | John B. Dykes Jesus, These Eyes Have Never Seen | Ray Palmer, 1858 Anticipation
Jesus, these eyes have never seen / That radiant form of Thine; …
Joyful Meeting in Glory | Daniel O. Teasley Joyful Meeting in Glory | Daniel S. Warner, 1888 Anticipation
Tell me, watchman, oh, what of the morning / Do you see as the mist clears away? …
Just Over in the Glory Land | Emmett S. Dean Just Over in the Glory Land | James W. Acuff, 1906 Anticipation
I've a home prepared where the saints abide, / Just over in the glory land; …
Let the Little One Sleep | Barney E. Warren Let the Little One Sleep | Barney E. Warren, 1907 Anticipation
That little form before us / In death's embrace, …
Look Away to Heaven | Joel A. Erickson Look Away to Heaven | Joel A. Erickson, 2006 Anticipation
Look away, dear pilgrim, to heaven above: / Jesus is waiting for you; …
Marching on in the Light of God | Robert Johnson Marching on in the Light of God | Robert Johnson, 1883 Anticipation
Marching on in the light of God, / Marching on, I am marching on; …
Meet Me There | William J. Kirkpatrick Meet Me There | Frances J. Crosby, 1885 Anticipation
On the happy, golden shore, / Where the faithful part no more, …
Meet Mother in the Skies | W. S. Nickle Meet Mother in the Skies | Anonymous/Unknown Anticipation
In a lonely churchyard, many miles away, / Lies your dear old mother, 'neath the cold, cold clay; …
Maitland | George N. Allen Must Jesus Bear the Cross Alone? | Thomas Shepherd, 1693 Anticipation
Must Jesus bear the cross alone, / And all the world go free? …
No Burdens Yonder | Robert Harkness No Burdens Yonder | Ada R. Habershon, 1906 Anticipation
No burdens yonder, not a single care, / When home is entered, not a load to bear; …
Fadeless Day | Joel A. Erickson No Night There | Hart P. Danks No Night There | John R. Clements, 1899 Anticipation
In the land of fadeless day / Lies the city foursquare; …
Not Dead, but Sleeping | Barney E. Warren Not Dead, but Sleeping | Clara M. Brooks, 1907 Anticipation
"Lo, she is not dead, but sleeping"— / Thus the blessed Master spake— …
Numberless as the Sands | Francis A. Blackmer Numberless as the Sands | Francis A. Blackmer, 1884 Anticipation
When we gather at last over Jordan, / And the ransomed in glory we see, …
Veni Emmanuel | French melody O Come, O Come, Emmanuel | Anonymous/Unknown, 1851 Anticipation
O come, O come, Emmanuel, / And ransom captive Israel …
Angel Band | William B. Bradbury Oh, Come, Angel Band | Jefferson Hascall, 1860 Anticipation
My latest sun is sinking fast, / My race is nearly run; …
Oh, I Want to See Him | Rufus H. Cornelius Oh, I Want to See Him | Rufus H. Cornelius, 1916 Anticipation
As I journey through the land, singing as I go, / Pointing souls to Calvary—to the crimson flow, …
Glory Song | Charles H. Gabriel Oh, That Will Be Glory | Charles H. Gabriel, 1900 Anticipation
When all my labors and trials are o'er, / And I am safe on that beautiful shore, …
One More Day's Work for Jesus | Robert Lowry One More Day’s Work for Jesus | Anna B. Warner, 1869 Anticipation
One more day's work for Jesus, / One less of life for me! …
Dulce Domum | Robert S. Ambrose One Sweetly Solemn Thought | Phoebe Cary, 1852 Anticipation
One sweetly solemn thought / Comes to me o'er and o'er; …
Promised Land | Miss M. Durham On Jordan’s Stormy Banks I Stand | Samuel Stennett, 1787 Anticipation
On Jordan's stormy banks I stand, / And cast a wishful eye …
Waiting | Jesse Martin Our Confidence | Sasha Krause, 2015 Anticipation
One day we'll not be waiting anymore. / The generations who have gone before …
Over the Sea | Barney E. Warren Over the Sea | Jennie Mast, 1907 Anticipation
From afar in that city of light / Comes a heavenly message to me, …
Over Yonder | Henry de Fluiter Over Yonder | Henry de Fluiter, 1918 Anticipation
Come let us sing of homeland, / Down by the crystal sea; …
Pearly Gates | Andrew L. Byers Pearly Gates | H. R. Jeffrey, 1885 Anticipation
I am going to a home bright and fair, / And by faith its pearly gates I see: …
Resurrection Glory | Silas S. Martin Resurrection Glory | Silas S. Martin, 1985 Anticipation
Resurrection pow'r and glory / From the God who made the sky, …
Reunion in the Sky | Juanita Johnson Reunion in the Sky | Juanita Johnson Anticipation
When we have a meeting to glorify the Lord, / How we love to worship His name in one accord; …
Saints' Reward | Clarence E. Hunter Saints’ Reward | William G. Schell, 1900 Anticipation
Life on earth is but a vapor, / Soon we'll lay these bodies down; …
Saved by Grace | George C. Stebbins Saved by Grace | Frances J. Crosby, 1891 Anticipation
Someday the silver cord will break, / And I no more as now shall sing; …
Hanson Place | Robert Lowry Shall We Gather at the River? | Robert Lowry, 1864 Anticipation
Shall we gather at the river, / Where bright angel feet have trod, …
Shall You? Shall I? | James McGranahan Shall You? Shall I? | James McGranahan, 1887 Anticipation
Someone will enter the pearly gate / By and by, by and by, …
Should We Meet Here No More | Daniel O. Teasley Should We Meet Here No More | Daniel O. Teasley, 1900 Anticipation
Should we meet no more till at the judgment, / When the mighty millions now that sleep …
Silently | Barney E. Warren Silently | Barney E. Warren, 1911 Anticipation
Silently, silently / Sleep the peaceful dead; …
Some Blessed Day | Daniel O. Teasley Some Blessed Day | W. W. Titley, 1900 Anticipation
Someday we'll cease our toiling here, / Our hopes are now on things above; …
Sweet Paradise | Barney E. Warren Sweet Paradise | Barney E. Warren, 1907 Anticipation
Sweet paradise! my future home, / The place of all the free; …
Tarry with Me | Joseph C. Fisher Tarry with Me | Silas G. Odell, 1885 Anticipation
Now the shadows slowly lengthen, / Soon the evening time will come; …
Tell Mother I'll Be There | Charles M. Fillmore Tell Mother I’ll Be There | Charles M. Fillmore, 1898 Anticipation
When I was but a little child, how well I recollect / How I would grieve my mother with my folly and neglect; …
That Happy World Above | Andrew L. Byers That Happy World Above | J. M. Huston, 1897 Anticipation
There's a happy world above, / Where there's joy, and peace, and love; …
The City of Light | Aldine S. Kieffer The City of Light | Aldine S. Kieffer, 1877 Anticipation
There's a city of light 'mid the stars, we are told, / Where they know not a sorrow or care; …
The Eastern Gate | Isaiah G. Martin The Eastern Gate | Isaiah G. Martin, 1905 Anticipation
I will meet you in the morning, / Just inside the Eastern Gate; …
The Glory of Heaven | W. H. Rukbush The Glory of Heaven | Helen C. Alexander, 1915 Anticipation
After the shadows have passed away, / From my life forever, …
The Golden Morning | Barney E. Warren The Golden Morning | Daniel S. Warner, 1893 Anticipation
We have reached an awful era in the onward flight of years, / While the nations are in slumber, crying "peace" 'mid drowning fears; …
The Home Over There | Tullius C. O'Kane The Home Over There | DeWitt C. Huntington, 1868 Anticipation
Oh, think of the home over there, / By the side of the river of light, …
The Hour of My Departure | John H. Tenney The Hour of My Departure | Anzentia I. P. Chapman, 1889 Anticipation
The hour of my departure / I may not know, …
Morning Song | Elkanah K. Dare Goshen/Jerusalem | German melody The King Shall Come When Morning Dawns | Anonymous/Unknown, 1907 Anticipation
The King shall come when morning dawns, / And light triumphant breaks; …
The Last Farewell | Daniel O. Teasley The Last Farewell | Daniel O. Teasley, 1900 Anticipation
Farewell, dear friends, I bid you / A loving, last farewell; …
The Last Hymn | Andrew L. Byers The Last Hymn | Daniel S. Warner, 1895 Anticipation
"Shall my soul ascend with rapture / When the day of life is past; …
The Last Mile of the Way | William E. Marks The Last Mile of the Way | Johnson Oatman, Jr., 1908 Anticipation
If I walk in the pathway of duty, / If I work till the close of the day, …
The Pilgrim Way | Emma E. Meyer The Pilgrim Way | Henry G. Jackson, 1894 Anticipation
Upward toils the eager pilgrim, / Pressing onward to his home, …
Happy Land | Hindustani melody There Is a Happy Land | Andrew Young, 1838 Anticipation
There is a happy land, far, far away, / Where saints in glory stand, bright, bright as day; …
The Resurrection Morn | Barney E. Warren The Resurrection Morn | Barney E. Warren, 1900 Anticipation
In the resurrection morning, / When the Savior comes, 'tis said, …
Rutherford | Chretien Urhan The Sands of Time Are Sinking | Anne R. Cousin, 1857 Anticipation
The sands of time are sinking, / The dawn of Heaven breaks; …
The Unclouded Day | Josiah K. Alwood The Unclouded Day | Josiah K. Alwood, 1885 Anticipation
Oh, they tell me of a home far beyond the skies, / Oh, they tell me of a home far away; …
This World Is Not My Home | Anonymous/Unknown This World Is Not My Home | Anonymous/Unknown, 1919 Anticipation
This world is not my home, I'm just a-passing through, / My treasures are laid up somewhere beyond the blue; …
Amboy | Lowell Mason Wake the Song of Jubilee | Leonard Bacon, 1823 Anticipation
Wake the song of jubilee, / Let it echo o'er the sea— …
Watchman | William B. Bradbury Watchman, Tell Me | Sidney S. Brewer, 1857 Anticipation
Watchman, tell me, does the morning / Of fair Zion's glory dawn; …
Wear a Crown | A. E. Lind Wear a Crown | Harriette Waters, 1905 Anticipation
Bugle calls are ringing out, / "Forward" is the battle shout, …
We Know Not the Hour | Franklin E. Belden We Know Not the Hour | Franklin E. Belden, 1886 Anticipation
We know not the hour of the Master's appearing, / Yet signs all foretell that the moment is nearing …
We Know Our Home Above | Barney E. Warren We Know Our Home Above | Daniel S. Warner, 1888 Anticipation
Life is not a mystic dream, / Bounded by a sullen stream, …
We'll Meet Again | Andrew L. Byers We’ll Meet Again | Clara M. Brooks, 1907 Anticipation
The angels came with silent tread / And gathered round our darling's bed; …
O Land of Rest | William Miller We’ll Work till Jesus Comes | Elizabeth K. Mills, 1837 Anticipation
O land of rest, for thee I sigh! / When will the moment come …
We Shall Never Say Goodbye | Daniel O. Teasley We Shall Never Say Goodbye | Daniel O. Teasley, 1900 Anticipation
Farewell, brother, we shall never, / In our home beyond the sky, …
We Shall See the King | John B. Vaughan We Shall See the King | John B. Vaughan, 1922 Anticipation
There's a blessed time that's coming, coming soon, / It may be evening, morning, or at noon, …
We Will Meet | Barney E. Warren We Will Meet | Anonymous/Unknown, 1792 Anticipation
Farewell, dear friends, a long farewell, / Since we shall meet no more, …
Consolation (Mendelssohn) | Felix Mendelssohn We Would See Jesus (Warner) | Anna B. Warner, 1852 Anticipation
We would see Jesus, for the shadows lengthen / Across this little landscape of our life; …
Piano Concerto No. 1 | Peter I. Tchaikovsky What a Wonderful Day | Joel A. Erickson, 2005 Anticipation
Oh, praise the Lord for His love! / I have a mansion above, …
What Will It Be? | Robert Harkness What Will It Be? | Fred P. Morris, 1909 Anticipation
There are glories untold in that city of gold, / On the brink of the beautiful river; …
What Will It Be to Be There? | William G. Schell What Will It Be to Be There? | William G. Schell, 1893 Anticipation
There's a city of gold in that land far away, / With its streets and its buildings so rare; …
When I Get to the End of the Way | Charles D. Tillman When I Get to the End of the Way | Charles D. Tillman Anticipation
The sands have been washed in the footprints / Of the stranger on Galilee's shore, …
When Jesus Comes | Philip P. Bliss When Jesus Comes | Philip P. Bliss, 1872 Anticipation
Down life's dark vale we wander, / Till Jesus comes; …
When Jesus Comes Again | James W. Gaines When Jesus Comes Again | James W. Gaines, 1923 Anticipation
When Jesus comes again to gather His own, / And to the true a crown is giv'n, …
When My King Shall Call for Me | Andrew L. Byers When My King Shall Call for Me | Lizzie DeArmond, 1924 Anticipation
With a happy song I will haste along, / In His service faithful be; …
When My Lifework Is Ended | Otto Bolds When My Lifework Is Ended | Barney E. Warren, 1907 Anticipation
When my lifework is ended, / And the summons has come, …
When the Mists Have Rolled Away | Ira D. Sankey When the Mists Have Rolled Away | Annie H. Barker, 1883 Anticipation
When the mists have rolled in splendor / From the beauty of the hills, …
Roll Call | James M. Black When the Roll Is Called Up Yonder | James M. Black, 1893 Anticipation
When the trumpet of the Lord shall sound, and time shall be no more, / And the morning breaks, eternal, bright and fair; …
When the Saints Go Marching In | African-American melody When the Saints Go Marching In | Anonymous/Unknown, 1896 Anticipation
I am just a lonesome trav'ler, / Through this big, wide world of sin; …
When They Ring the Golden Bells | Daniel de Marbelle When They Ring the Golden Bells | Daniel de Marbelle, 1887 Anticipation
There's a land beyond the river, / That we call the sweet forever, …
Heaven | Emily D. Wilson When We All Get to Heaven | Eliza E. Hewitt, 1898 Anticipation
Sing the wondrous love of Jesus, / Sing His mercy and His grace; …
When We Get Home | C. Z. Lindley When We Get Home | Luella B. Henry, 1888 Anticipation
We are bound for the mansions of glory, / In that beautiful city of gold, …
Where We'll Never Grow Old | James C. Moore Where We’ll Never Grow Old | James C. Moore, 1914 Anticipation
I have heard of a land on the faraway strand, / 'Tis a beautiful home of the soul; …
Montclair | William B. Bradbury Whither, Pilgrims, Are You Going? | Frances J. Crosby, 1859 Anticipation
Whither, pilgrims, are you going, / Going each with staff in hand? …
Who Will Meet Me There? | Daniel O. Teasley Who Will Meet Me There? | Daniel S. Warner, 1888 Anticipation
Here we meet and part in Jesus, / But our spirits never part; …
Who Will Shine as the Stars? | Barney E. Warren Who Will Shine as the Stars? | Barney E. Warren, 1911 Anticipation
As the pure glowing sky on a clear summer day, / When sweet fragrance is filling the air, …
Will the Circle Be Unbroken? | Charles H. Gabriel Will the Circle Be Unbroken? | Ada R. Habershon, 1907 Anticipation
There are loved ones in the glory, / Whose dear forms you often miss; …