Timeless Truths Free Online Library | books, sheet music, midi, and more
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Arlington | Thomas A. Arne Am I a Soldier of the Cross? | Isaac Watts, 1721 Examination
Am I a soldier of the cross, / A follow'r of the Lamb? …
Are You Adorning the Doctrine? | Andrew L. Byers Are You Adorning the Doctrine? | Charles W. Naylor, 1907 Examination
Are you adorning the doctrine— / The glorious doctrine of God? …
Are You Faithful? | Andrew L. Byers Are You Faithful? | Charles W. Naylor, 1918 Examination
Can the Lord count you faithful? / Is your heart true today? …
Are You Living for the Lord? [TTBB] | Edmund S. Lorenz Are You Living for the Lord? | Carrie E. Breck, 1901 Examination
Live for Him who died to save you / From sin's baleful curse and pow'r; …
Are You Sheltered in the Cross? | Daniel O. Teasley Are You Sheltered in the Cross? | Daniel O. Teasley, 1907 Examination
Are you sheltered in the cross, O my brother? / Has your soul been cleansed from all its pride? …
Are You Washed in the Blood? | Elisha A. Hoffman Are You Washed in the Blood? | Elisha A. Hoffman, 1878 Examination
Have you been to Jesus for the cleansing pow'r? / Are you washed in the blood of the Lamb? …
Can the World See Jesus in You? | Lelia N. Morris Can the World See Jesus in You? | Lelia N. Morris, 1917 Examination
Do we live so close to the Lord today, / Passing to and fro on life's busy way, …
Did You Think to Pray? | William O. Perkins Did You Think to Pray? | Mary A. Kidder, 1876 Examination
Ere you left your room this morning, / Did you think to pray? …
Do We Well? | Daniel O. Teasley Do We Well? | Clara M. Brooks, 1911 Examination
To the Syrian camp at twilight, / Hungry, thirsty, bleeding, sore, …
Do You Love the World? | Clarence E. Hunter Do You Love the World? | Barney E. Warren, 1897 Examination
Do you love the world, in its pomp and show? / In its course of sin will you onward go? …
Do You See Him? | Joel A. Erickson Do You See Him? | Laura S. Erickson, 2007 Examination
Do you see Him? Do you see Him? / Tiny baby in the hay; …
From Time to Eternity | H. R. Jeffrey From Time to Eternity | Daniel S. Warner, 1885 Examination
Time onward flows like a river vast, / While age on age it has borne to the sea; …
Gone to Return No More | Barney E. Warren Gone to Return No More | Barney E. Warren, 1900 Examination
Think of your soul, poor sinner, today, / In dreadful dearth in sin's darkest way; …
Have Ye Received the Holy Ghost? | Lelia N. Morris Have Ye Received the Holy Ghost? | Lelia N. Morris, 1897 Examination
Ye are the temples, Jesus hath spoken, / Temples of God's holy Spirit divine; …
Have You Any Room? | John B. Vaughan Have You Any Room? | Barney E. Warren, 1900 Examination
Sinner, have you any room for Jesus / In your lonely desert heart? …
Have You Counted the Cost? | Arthur J. Hodge Have You Counted the Cost? | Arthur J. Hodge, 1923 Examination
There's a line that is drawn by rejecting the Lord, / Where the call of His Spirit is lost, …
Hawes | James E. Hawes Have You Not a Word for Jesus? | Frances R. Havergal, 1871 Examination
Have you not a word for Jesus? / Not a word to say for Him? …
Have You Sought? | Ira D. Sankey Have You Sought? | Frances J. Crosby, 1891 Examination
Have you sought for the sheep that have wandered, / Far away on the dark mountains cold? …
Kenosis | Philip P. Bliss I Gave My Life for Thee | Frances R. Havergal, 1858 Examination
I gave My life for thee, / My precious blood I shed, …
In His Steps | Daniel O. Teasley In His Steps | Daniel O. Teasley, 1900 Examination
Are you walking where the Master's feet have trod? / In His steps, blessed steps; …
Is He Satisfied with Me? | Grace B. Maxwell Is He Satisfied with Me? | Grace B. Maxwell, 1904 Examination
I am satisfied with Jesus, / But a question comes to me …
Is Thy Heart Right with God? | Elisha A. Hoffman Is Thy Heart Right with God? | Elisha A. Hoffman, 1899 Examination
Have thy affections been nailed to the cross? / Is thy heart right with God? …
Is Your All on the Altar? | Elisha A. Hoffman Is Your All on the Altar? | Elisha A. Hoffman, 1900 Examination
You have longed for sweet peace, / And for faith to increase, …
Is Your Name Enrolled in Heaven? | Barney E. Warren Is Your Name Enrolled in Heaven? | Barney E. Warren, 1911 Examination
In that land of rest with its joys untold / Is the Book of Life so fair; …
I Will, I Will! | Barney E. Warren I Will, I Will! | Barney E. Warren, 1897 Examination
Oh, will you count the cost today? / Oh, will you leave your sinful way? …
Make Me a Channel of Blessing | Harper G. Smith Make Me a Channel of Blessing | Harper G. Smith, 1903 Examination
Is your life a channel of blessing? / Is the love of God flowing through you? …
Providence (Stebbins) | George C. Stebbins Must I Go, and Empty-Handed? | Charles C. Luther, 1877 Examination
"Must I go, and empty-handed," / Thus my dear Redeemer meet? …
Parting Hand | Jeremiah Ingalls Power for Service | Anonymous/Unknown, 1883 Examination
Disciples of the Holy One, / Have ye the Holy Ghost received? …
Prepare to Meet the Lord Thy God | Audrey Wilcox Umpqua | Joel A. Erickson Prepare to Meet the Lord Thy God | Audrey Wilcox, 2022 Examination
Behold the rapid march of time! / 'Tis passing swift away: …
Profit and Loss | George W. McMillan Profit and Loss | George W. McMillan Examination
Here is a question up to all on the earth, / Time will unfold to young and old, …
Shall I Be Ashamed? | Andrew L. Byers Shall I Be Ashamed? | Charles W. Naylor, 1900 Examination
Shall I be ashamed of my Savior and King, / Who left His bright glory, salvation to bring? …
Shall I Miss It? | Barney E. Warren Shall I Miss It? | Barney E. Warren, 1897 Examination
"What will you give in exchange for your soul?" / What will it profit you, sinner, …
Hanson Place | Robert Lowry Shall We Gather at the River? | Robert Lowry, 1864 Examination
Shall we gather at the river, / Where bright angel feet have trod, …
Evergreen Plain | Isaiah Baltzell Shall We Meet? | Anonymous/Unknown, 1874 Examination
Shall we meet beyond the river, / In the clime where angels dwell? …
Shall You? Shall I? | James McGranahan Shall You? Shall I? | James McGranahan, 1887 Examination
Someone will enter the pearly gate / By and by, by and by, …
Sowing Seeds of Love | Barney E. Warren Sowing Seeds of Love | Daniel S. Warner, 1893 Examination
Are you sowing seeds of kindness, peace, and love? / Does your labor for Jesus ever prove …
The Redemption Story | H. R. Jeffrey The Redemption Story | Daniel S. Warner, 1885 Examination
Tell me, pilgrim, trav'ling homeward, / Are you holy, free from sin? …
Wear a Crown | A. E. Lind Wear a Crown | Harriette Waters, 1905 Examination
Bugle calls are ringing out, / "Forward" is the battle shout, …
We Have an Anchor | William J. Kirkpatrick We Have an Anchor | Priscilla J. Owens, 1882 Examination
Will your anchor hold in the storms of life, / When the clouds unfold their wings of strife? …
We Shall See the King | John B. Vaughan We Shall See the King | John B. Vaughan, 1922 Examination
There's a blessed time that's coming, coming soon, / It may be evening, morning, or at noon, …
What Are You Sowing, Sinner? | Barney E. Warren What Are You Sowing, Sinner? | Charles W. Naylor, 1900 Examination
What are you sowing, sinner, / Carelessly, heedlessly? …
What If the Master Should Come? | Clarence E. Hunter What If the Master Should Come? | Barney E. Warren, 1900 Examination
What if the Master should come tonight? / Would you be ready to go? …
What Shall I Do? | Franklin E. Belden What Shall I Do? | Franklin E. Belden, 1886 Examination
What shall I do for Christ, my Savior? / How shall I pay the debt I owe? …
What Shall the Harvest Be? | Philip P. Bliss What Shall the Harvest Be? | Emily S. Oakey, 1870 Examination
Sowing the seed by the daylight fair, / Sowing the seed by the noonday glare, …
What Will You Do with Jesus? (Knapp) | Leander L. Pickett What Will You Do with Jesus? (Knapp) | Martin W. Knapp, 1894 Examination
Oh, what will you do with Jesus, / Who knocks for you today? …
What Will You Do with Jesus? (Norton) | George C. Stebbins What Will You Do with Jesus? (Norton) | Nathaniel Norton, 1887 Examination
Oh, what will you do with Jesus? / The call comes loud and sweet; …
What Will You Do with Jesus? (Simpson) | Mary L. Stocks What Will You Do with Jesus? (Simpson) | Albert B. Simpson, 1905 Examination
Jesus is standing in Pilate's hall, / Friendless, forsaken, betrayed by all; …
What Would You Give in Exchange? | J. H. Carr What Would You Give in Exchange? | F. J. Berry, 1912 Examination
Brother afar from the Savior today, / Risking your soul for the things that decay, …
Where Art Thou? | Daniel O. Teasley Where Art Thou? | Daniel O. Teasley, 1907 Examination
O sinner, where art thou? / Thy soul, designed for light, …
Where Shall I Go? | Barney E. Warren Where Shall I Go? | Barney E. Warren, 1923 Examination
Eternity draws near / As time moves on; …
Rachie | Caradog Roberts Armageddon | C. Luise Reichardt Who Is on the Lord’s Side? | Frances R. Havergal, 1877 Examination
Who is on the Lord's side? Who will serve the King? / Who will be His helpers, other lives to bring? …
Who Shall Dwell with Christ? | Joseph C. Fisher Who Shall Dwell with Christ? | Daniel S. Warner, 1885 Examination
Oh, who can stand the judgment day?— / None but the pure shall dwell with Christ; …
Who Will Go? | J. W. Henderson Who Will Go? | Julia H. Johnston, 1906 Examination
"Who is there among you"—'tis the Master's voice— / "Who will bear My message, making Me his choice? …
Who Will Meet Me There? | Daniel O. Teasley Who Will Meet Me There? | Daniel S. Warner, 1888 Examination
Here we meet and part in Jesus, / But our spirits never part; …
Who Will Our Pilot Be? | Ira B. Wilson Who Will Our Pilot Be? | Lizzie DeArmond, 1907 Examination
We sail along toward the harbor light, / Over the great life sea; …
Who Will Volunteer? | Mrs. H. A. Farnsworth Who Will Volunteer? | Flora Kirkland, 1900 Examination
Who will volunteer? See the foe is near! / Someone now must fight and the vict'ry win! …
Woodstock | William H. Doane Will Jesus Find Us Watching? | Frances J. Crosby, 1876 Examination
When Jesus comes to reward His servants, / Whether it be noon or night, …
Will the Circle Be Unbroken? | Charles H. Gabriel Will the Circle Be Unbroken? | Ada R. Habershon, 1907 Examination
There are loved ones in the glory, / Whose dear forms you often miss; …
Will There Be Any Stars? | John R. Sweney Will There Be Any Stars? | Eliza E. Hewitt, 1897 Examination
I am thinking today of that beautiful land / I shall reach when the sun goeth down; …
Will You Meet Him There Tonight? | Ella V. Phillips Will You Meet Him There Tonight? | Ulysses Phillips, 1987 Examination
If your soul is seeking rest, / And you're longing to be blessed, …