Timeless Truths Free Online Library | books, sheet music, midi, and more
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51 items:

Face to Face with Christ, My Savior | Grant C. Tullar Face to Face with Christ, My Savior | Carrie E. Breck, 1898 Anticipation
Face to face with Christ, my Savior, / Face to face—what will it be, …
Lundie | Theodore E. Perkins Jesus Is Mine | Jane C. Bonar, 1843 Jesus/Savior
Fade, fade, each earthly joy, / Jesus is mine! …
I Have Overcome | Albert B. Simpson I Have Overcome | Albert B. Simpson, 1897 Warfare
Fainting soldier of the Lord, / Hear His sweet inspiring word: …
Jerusalem, My Home | Daniel O. Teasley Jerusalem, My Home | Daniel S. Warner, 1893 Zion
Fair city of the gospel day, / Long have they sung of thee, …
Crusader's Hymn | Silesian melody Fairest Lord Jesus | Anonymous/Unknown, 1677 Jesus/Savior
Fairest Lord Jesus, Ruler of all nature, / O Thou of God and man the Son, …
Confidence (Moore) | W. Moore Faith Is a Living Power from Heaven | Petrus Herbertus, 1566 Faith
Faith is a living pow'r from Heav'n / That grasps the promise God hath giv'n, …
Faith Is Believing | Daniel O. Teasley Faith Is Believing | Daniel O. Teasley, 1911 Faith
Faith is believing, the promise is true, / Trusting in Jesus your strength to renew; …
St. Catherine | James G. Walton Faith of Our Fathers | Frederick W. Faber, 1849 Faith
Faith of our fathers, living still, / In spite of dungeon, fire, and sword; …
Echoes from Heaven | Barney E. Warren Echoes from Heaven | Barney E. Warren, 1893 Praise
Far away among the angels, / In the sweet celestial bow'rs, …
The Touch of His Tender Hand | Andrew L. Byers The Touch of His Tender Hand | Clara M. Brooks, 1918 Missionary
Far away in a land that is darker than night, / With never a star in the sky, …
Wonderful Peace | William G. Cooper Wonderful Peace | Warren D. Cornell, 1889 Peace
Far away in the depths of my spirit tonight / Rolls a melody sweeter than psalm; …
Dwelling in Beulah Land | Charles A. Miles Dwelling in Beulah Land | Charles A. Miles, 1911 Abiding
Far away the noise of strife upon my ear is falling; / Then I know the sins of earth beset on every hand; …
In the Holy Land | Andrew L. Byers In the Holy Land | Daniel S. Warner, 1888 Sanctification
Far down o'er the ages a promise divine / Descended to us in the fullness of time— …
We Shall Never Say Goodbye | Daniel O. Teasley We Shall Never Say Goodbye | Daniel O. Teasley, 1900 Anticipation
Farewell, brother, we shall never, / In our home beyond the sky, …
We Will Meet | Barney E. Warren We Will Meet | Anonymous/Unknown, 1792 Death
Farewell, dear friends, a long farewell, / Since we shall meet no more, …
The Last Farewell | Daniel O. Teasley The Last Farewell | Daniel O. Teasley, 1900 Anticipation
Farewell, dear friends, I bid you / A loving, last farewell; …
Go Ye into All the World | James McGranahan Go Ye into All the World | James McGranahan, 1886 Missionary
Far, far away, in *heathen darkness dwelling, [*death and] / Millions of souls forever may be lost; …
Morwellham | Charles H. Steggall Contentment | Anna L. Waring, 1850 Trust
Father, I know that all my life / Is portioned out for me; …
Ever Will I Pray | John H. Tenney Ever Will I Pray | Annie Cummings, 1875 Prayer
Father, in the morning / Unto Thee I pray; …
Batchellor | Daniel J. Batchellor Hursley (2) | Anonymous/Unknown Father, We Thank Thee | Rebecca J. Weston, 1885 Thanksgiving
Father, we thank Thee for the night, / And for the pleasant morning light; …
Only Believe | Paul Rader Only Believe | Paul Rader, 1921 Assurance
Fear not, little flock, from the cross to the throne, / From death into life He went for His own; …
Heavenly Welcome | Jennie Mast Heavenly Welcome | Jennie Mast, 1906 Anticipation
Feet that have carried the gospel glad, / Tidings of peace as the Savior said; …
I'll Stand by Until the Morning | James McGranahan I’ll Stand by Until the Morning | Daniel W. Whittle, 1878 Trials
Fierce and wild the storm is raging / Round a helpless bark, …
Pentecost (2) | William Boyd Fight the Good Fight | John S. B. Monsell, 1863 Warfare
Fight the good fight with all thy might; / Christ is thy strength and Christ thy right; …
Fill Me with Thy Spirit | Andrew L. Byers Fill Me with Thy Spirit | Daniel S. Warner, 1893 Sanctification
Fill me with Thy Spirit, Lord, / Fully save my longing soul; …
Fling Wide the Gates! | Evangeline C. Booth Fling Wide the Gates! | Evangeline C. Booth, 1915 Death
Fling wide the gates! I hear the angels singing, / Fling wide the gates! I hear bright music ringing; …
Following Him | Charles M. Fillmore Following Him | Charles M. Fillmore, 1898 Guidance
Following Jesus day by day, / Following Him—His will obey, …
Following Jesus | Barney E. Warren Following Jesus | Barney E. Warren, 1900 Loyalty
Following Jesus, following Jesus, / Gently He leads me in the heavenly way; …
By Faith and Not by Sight | Andrew L. Byers By Faith and Not by Sight | Clara M. Brooks, 1907 Faith
Following Jesus from day to day, / Gently He leads me along the way; …
Bound Brook | Anonymous/Unknown Follow the Path of Jesus | Christopher R. Blackall, 1874 Exhortation
Follow the path of Jesus, / Walk where His footsteps lead; …
A New Touch of Fire | Lelia N. Morris A New Touch of Fire | Lelia N. Morris, 1912 Sanctification
For a fresh anointing, Lord, for service / Come we now in Jesus' precious name; …
I Never Will Cease to Love Him | Charles H. Gabriel I Never Will Cease to Love Him | Charles H. Gabriel, 1890 Love
For all the Lord has done for me, / I never will cease to love Him; …
Sine Nomine | Ralph V. Williams For All the Saints | William W. How, 1864 Praise
For all the saints, who from their labors rest, / Who Thee by faith before the world confessed, …
I Shall Never Forget Him | Andrew L. Byers I Shall Never Forget Him | William J. Henry, 1907 Loyalty
For all the Savior has done for me, / I shall never forget Him; …
For a Worldwide Revival | Lelia N. Morris For a Worldwide Revival | Lelia N. Morris, 1910 Supplication
For a worldwide revival, blessed Master, we pray; / Let the pow'r of the Highest be upon us today; …
I Know God's Promise Is True | Lelia N. Morris I Know God’s Promise Is True | Lelia N. Morris, 1899 Assurance
For God so loved this sinful world, / His Son He freely gave, …
It Satisfies My Soul | Barney E. Warren It Satisfies My Soul | Barney E. Warren, 1907 Salvation
For me the blessed Savior came, / His great salvation to proclaim; …
Come, Jesus, Reign in Me | H. R. Jeffrey Come, Jesus, Reign in Me | H. R. Jeffrey, 1885 Supplication
For perfect love I long have groaned, / I would be wholly Thine; …
For Sacrifice or Service | L. C. Butgereit For Sacrifice or Service | L. C. Butgereit Consecration
For sacrifice or service, / We stand in readiness …
Dix | Conrad Kocher For the Beauty of the Earth | Folliott S. Pierpoint, 1864 Praise
For the beauty of the earth, / For the glory of the skies, …
Christ, the Fountain | Charles C. Case Christ, the Fountain | Christopher N. Hall, 1891 Invitation
Fountain of purity opened for sin, / Here may the penitent wash and be clean; …
The Church Is Moving On | Donald Sharp The Church Is Moving On | Donald Sharp, 1980 Church
Free from every carnal pleasure, free from all formality, / She is guided without measure, for the Son has made her free. …
Once for All | Philip P. Bliss Once for All | Philip P. Bliss, 1871 Gospel
Free from the law, O happy condition, / Jesus has bled, and there is remission; …
Over the Sea | Barney E. Warren Over the Sea | Jennie Mast, 1907 Heaven
From afar in that city of light / Comes a heavenly message to me, …
Hid Away with Jesus (Clayton) | G. T. Clayton Hid Away with Jesus (Clayton) | G. T. Clayton, 1893 Refuge
From all the world I've turned aside, / And found a fold of shelter; …
From Death to Life | Iva E. Kriebel From Death to Life | Ulysses Phillips, 1987 Salvation
From death to life, oh, what a thought! / Within my soul what change is wrought …
Retreat | Thomas Hastings From Every Stormy Wind | Hugh Stowell, 1828 Prayer
From every stormy wind that blows, / From every swelling tide of woes, …
Missionary Hymn | Lowell Mason From Greenland’s Icy Mountains | Reginald Heber, 1819 Missionary
From Greenland's icy mountains, from India's coral strand; / Where Afric's sunny fountains roll down their golden sand: …
Rejoice Forevermore | Andrew L. Byers Rejoice Forevermore | Daniel S. Warner, 1888 Joy
From my soul and all within, / Let eternal music spring; …
Loyalty to Christ | Flora H. Cassel Loyalty to Christ | Elijah T. Cassel, 1894 Loyalty
From over hill and plain / There comes the signal strain, …
Glory, Hallelujah (2) | William Steffe The Truth Is Marching On | Daniel S. Warner, 1885 Truth
From the mount of heav'nly vision what a glory we behold! / Eighteen hundred years of victory are tinging earth with gold; …