Timeless Truths Free Online Library | books, sheet music, midi, and more
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29 items:

At the Cross (Henry) | William J. Henry At the Cross (Henry) | William J. Henry, 1907 Salvation
There's salvation full and free, / At the cross; …
Come unto Me (Henry) | Granville Wright Come unto Me (Henry) | William J. Henry, 1900 Invitation
Come unto Me, all ye that labor, / Ye who in guilt and sin despair; …
Fully Saved Today | Clarence E. Hunter Fully Saved Today | William J. Henry, 1900 Experience
I am fully saved today, / All my guilt is washed away, …
He Is Waiting | William J. Henry He Is Waiting | William J. Henry, 1897 Invitation
Come, poor sinner, come to Jesus, / Bring Him all your sin and care; …
He Saves to the Uttermost | Charles P. Jones He Saves to the Uttermost | William J. Henry, 1907 Salvation
I've found the Savior who died for man, / He saves to the uttermost; …
I Cannot Be Idle | William J. Henry I Cannot Be Idle | William J. Henry, 1897 Work
I cannot be idle, for Jesus says, "Go / And work in My harvest today; …
If You Would Be a Pillar | Charles P. Jones If You Would Be a Pillar | William J. Henry, 1907 Exhortation
If you would be a pillar in the church of God, / You must overcome the world, …
I'll Follow Jesus | William J. Henry I’ll Follow Jesus | William J. Henry, 1900 Obedience
I'll follow Jesus here, I'll never, never fear, / Though Satan's tempting pow'rs assail; …
I'll Not Be Afraid | William J. Henry I’ll Not Be Afraid | William J. Henry, 1907 Trust
I'll not be afraid for the terror by night, / Nor the arrow that flieth by day; …
I'm Glad I Counted the Cost | William J. Henry I’m Glad I Counted the Cost | William J. Henry, 1907 Joy
When first I started to seek the Lord, / I'm glad I counted the cost; …
In His Pavilion Hiding | William J. Henry In His Pavilion Hiding | William J. Henry, 1900 Refuge
In His pavilion hiding, / A refuge I have found, …
In the Shadow of the Cross | Andrew L. Byers In the Shadow of the Cross | William J. Henry, 1900 Refuge
In the shadow of the cross let me hide, / There the Savior for my sins bled and died; …
I Shall Never Forget Him | Andrew L. Byers I Shall Never Forget Him | William J. Henry, 1907 Loyalty
For all the Savior has done for me, / I shall never forget Him; …
I've Enlisted in the Service | William J. Henry I’ve Enlisted in the Service | William J. Henry, 1903 Loyalty
I am fighting in the army of the Lord, / And though dangers thickly round my pathway lie, …
Keep Me Near Thee | Barney E. Warren Keep Me Near Thee | William J. Henry, 1897 Supplication
Keep me near Thee, blessed Jesus, / Keep me near Thee lest I stray; …
Let the Fire Fall on Me | William J. Henry Let the Fire Fall on Me | William J. Henry, 1926 Sanctification
Lord, I would be wholly Thine, / I would do Thy will divine, …
Lord Jesus, Help Me | Daniel O. Teasley Lord Jesus, Help Me | William J. Henry, 1907 Supplication
Lord Jesus, my blessed Redeemer, / I humble myself at Thy cross; …
Love Each Other | Andrew L. Byers Love Each Other | William J. Henry, 1900 Love
Let us ever love each other / With a heart that's warm and true, …
Nothing but Leaves | Barney E. Warren Nothing but Leaves | William J. Henry, 1900 Sowing/Reaping
Nothing but leaves I've gathered, / Yes, nothing but worthless leaves, …
Patiently Trust in God | William J. Henry Patiently Trust in God | William J. Henry, 1900 Trust
When I've preached God's word with the Spirit's pow'r, / And prayed that it reach some heart, …
Since Jesus Is Mine | William J. Henry Since Jesus Is Mine | William J. Henry, 1936 Experience
I'm walking each day by the side of my Lord; / I'm living each hour by faith in His word; …
Tell It Again | Amanda L. Speck Tell It Again | William J. Henry, 1907 Gospel
Go tell the world that Jesus has suffered, / Died to redeem the vilest of men; …
That's Enough for Me (Henry) | William J. Henry That’s Enough for Me (Henry) | William J. Henry, 1926 Trust
When my sky is clear and bright, / When I find it dark as night; …
The Harvest Call | Andrew L. Byers The Harvest Call | William J. Henry, 1897 Missionary
Why stand ye all day idle? The harvest time is here, / Behold, with flaming sickle the reapers gather near; …
The Harvest Is Past | Barney E. Warren The Harvest Is Past | William J. Henry, 1900 Warning
The harvest is past and the summer is ended, / Alas, precious soul, this may be thy sad cry: …
The Highway of the King | William J. Henry The Highway of the King | William J. Henry, 1907 Experience
We're a band of happy pilgrims bound for our home above, / Walking in the highway of the King; …
'Tis Well with Me | Andrew L. Byers ’Tis Well with Me | William J. Henry, 1907 Assurance
Where'er my Savior's hand may lead, / Whate'er my lot may be; …
Wandering Afar | Barney E. Warren Wandering Afar | William J. Henry, 1907 Decision
Wand'ring afar from my home above, / Far from the Savior's arms of love; …
Washed Whiter than the Snow | William J. Henry Washed Whiter than the Snow | William J. Henry, 1907 Cleansing
Out on sin's dark mountain, / Lost in bitter woe, …