Timeless Truths Free Online Library | books, sheet music, midi, and more
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42 items:

All the Way | Clara M. Brooks All the Way | Clara M. Brooks, 1907 Loyalty
Within my heart was fond ambition, / Vain pride, and hopes of worldly fame; …
Assurance in Christ | Daniel O. Teasley Assurance in Christ | Daniel O. Teasley, 1900 Loyalty
Tell me not of the pleasures of sin, / For I now from its bondage am free, …
Count Me | Haldor Lillenas Count Me | William C. Poole, 1916 Loyalty
When you count the ones who love the Lord, / Count me, count me; …
Faithful I'll Be | Audrey Wilcox Faithful I’ll Be | Audrey Wilcox, 2022 Loyalty
To Thy service my life I give, / Faithful I'll be, faithful I'll be; …
Following Him | Charles M. Fillmore Following Him | Charles M. Fillmore, 1898 Loyalty
Following Jesus day by day, / Following Him—His will obey, …
Following Jesus | Barney E. Warren Following Jesus | Barney E. Warren, 1900 Loyalty
Following Jesus, following Jesus, / Gently He leads me in the heavenly way; …
Federal Street | Henry K. Oliver How Shall I Follow Him I Serve? | Josiah Conder, 1824 Loyalty
How shall I follow Him I serve? / How shall I copy Him I love? …
Assam | Hindustani melody I Have Decided to Follow Jesus | S. Sundar Singh Loyalty
I have decided to follow Jesus; / I have decided to follow Jesus; …
I Hear My Savior Saying | James M. Kirk I Hear My Savior Saying | James M. Kirk, 1894 Loyalty
I hear my Savior saying, / "Come closer, My child, to Me"; …
Fidelis | Joel A. Erickson I’ll Be a Friend to Jesus | Johnson Oatman, Jr., 1922 Loyalty
They tried my Lord and Master, / With no one to defend; …
I'll Never Go Back | Barney E. Warren I’ll Never Go Back | Charles W. Naylor, 1907 Loyalty
I once was in bondage in Egypt's dark night, / But Jesus has brought me out into the light; …
I Love the Church of God | Andrew L. Byers I Love the Church of God | Jennie Mast, 1907 Loyalty
I love the church of God, / Structure divine, …
I Love to Serve My Jesus | Elisha A. Hoffman I Love to Serve My Jesus | Barney E. Warren, 1897 Loyalty
I love to serve my Jesus, a priv'lege so sublime, / My life afresh with beauty bright is sparkling all the time; …
In the Hollow of His Hand | Barney E. Warren In the Hollow of His Hand | Barney E. Warren, 1897 Loyalty
I have left all sin's dominion, / I'll obey Thy sweet command; …
In the Service of the King | Bentley D. Ackley In the Service of the King | Alfred H. Ackley, 1912 Loyalty
I am happy in the service of the King, / I am happy, oh, so happy; …
I Shall Never Forget Him | Andrew L. Byers I Shall Never Forget Him | William J. Henry, 1907 Loyalty
For all the Savior has done for me, / I shall never forget Him; …
I've Enlisted in the Service | William J. Henry I’ve Enlisted in the Service | William J. Henry, 1903 Loyalty
I am fighting in the army of the Lord, / And though dangers thickly round my pathway lie, …
Friend | George C. Stebbins Golden Sheaves | Arthur S. Sullivan I’ve Found a Friend | James G. Small, 1863 Loyalty
I've found a Friend, oh, such a friend! / He loved me ere I knew Him; …
Lawson | James L. Elginburg I Will Follow Thee (Elginburg) | James L. Elginburg, 1871 Loyalty
I will follow Thee, my Savior, / Wheresoe'er my lot may be; …
Peek | Joseph Y. Peek I Would Be True | Howard A. Walter, 1906 Loyalty
I would be true, for there are those who trust me; / I would be pure, for there are those who care; …
Jesus, All to Me | Barney E. Warren Jesus, All to Me | Daniel S. Warner Loyalty
My Jesus died for me upon the cross, / There for Him I've counted all but loss; …
Like Jesus (Naylor) | Barney E. Warren Like Jesus (Naylor) | Charles W. Naylor, 1903 Loyalty
I love to think of Jesus, when He was here on earth / Upon a kingly mission, though of such humble birth; …
Like Jesus (Ulmer) | Oran Williams Like Jesus (Ulmer) | Kate Ulmer, 1899 Loyalty
I want to be like Jesus, / I want to heed His Word, …
Loyalty to Christ | Flora H. Cassel Loyalty to Christ | Elijah T. Cassel, 1894 Loyalty
From over hill and plain / There comes the signal strain, …
My Goal Is God Himself | Henry J. E. Holmes My Goal Is God Himself | Frances Brook, 1896 Loyalty
My goal is God Himself, not joy, nor peace, / Nor even blessing, but Himself, my God; …
My Heart Is Fixed on Jesus | William J. Ramsay My Heart Is Fixed on Jesus | Lavinia E. Brauff, 1912 Loyalty
My heart is fixed on Jesus, the sun of all my thought; / What wondrous work of grace His love within my soul hath wrought! …
My Heart's Desire | Andrew L. Byers My Heart’s Desire | Lucena C. Byrum, 1905 Loyalty
Let me walk in the path which my Savior hath trod, / Let me follow so close by His side; …
Bethany | Lowell Mason Nearer, My God, to Thee | Sarah F. Adams, 1841 Loyalty
Nearer, my God, to Thee, nearer to Thee! / E'en though it be a cross that raiseth me, …
No Compromise | Haldor Lillenas No Compromise | Haldor Lillenas, 1913 Loyalty
"No compromise with evil" shall be our battle cry, / For God and right must conquer, and sin and wrong must die; …
Nothing Between | Charles A. Tindley Nothing Between | Charles A. Tindley, 1905 Loyalty
Nothing between my soul and the Savior, / Naught of this world's delusive dream; …
Ode to the King | Mike Atnip Ode to the King | Mike Atnip, 2005 Loyalty
Jesus, You are my LORD, / King of nature restored, …
Only Christ I Own | Andrew L. Byers Only Christ I Own | Daniel S. Warner, 1900 Loyalty
Who is my life but Christ alone? / I seek no joy beside; …
Our Example | Clarence E. Hunter Our Example | Clara M. Brooks, 1907 Loyalty
Jesus left a home of dazzling splendor, / For this sinful world with sorrow dim; …
Press the Battle On (Howard) | George W. Howard Press the Battle On (Howard) | George W. Howard, 1897 Loyalty
O Jesus, Lord, my life, my way, / My heart's delightful song, …
Every Day and Hour | William H. Doane Savior, More than Life to Me | Frances J. Crosby, 1875 Loyalty
Savior, more than life to me, / I am clinging, clinging, close to Thee; …
Steadily Marching On | Horatio R. Palmer Steadily Marching On | Ada J. Blenkhorn Loyalty
Praise ye the Lord, joyfully shout hosanna, / Praise the Lord with glad acclaim; …
Stepping in the Light | William J. Kirkpatrick Stepping in the Light | Eliza E. Hewitt, 1890 Loyalty
Trying to walk in the steps of the Savior, / Trying to follow our Savior and King; …
Thine for Service | Lida S. Leech Thine for Service | Lida S. Leech, 1915 Loyalty
I have made my choice to follow Christ each day, / I am Thine for service, Lord; …
Truehearted, Wholehearted | George C. Stebbins Truehearted, Wholehearted | Frances R. Havergal, 1878 Loyalty
Truehearted, wholehearted, faithful and loyal, / King of our lives, by Thy grace we will be; …
We Are Coming | James H. Fillmore We Are Coming | Jessie B. Pounds, 1897 Loyalty
We are coming, we are coming, / We are soldiers of the Lord; …
Norris | John S. Norris Where He Leads Me | Ernest W. Blandy, 1890 Loyalty
I can hear my Savior calling, / I can hear my Savior calling, …
Rachie | Caradog Roberts Armageddon | C. Luise Reichardt Who Is on the Lord’s Side? | Frances R. Havergal, 1877 Loyalty
Who is on the Lord's side? Who will serve the King? / Who will be His helpers, other lives to bring? …