Timeless Truths Free Online Library | books, sheet music, midi, and more
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191 items:

Epaphroditus | Philip P. Bliss Abundantly Able to Save | Elisha A. Hoffman, 1878 Salvation
Whoever receiveth the Crucified One, / Whoever believeth on God's only Son, …
Accepted | Charles W. Naylor Accepted | Charles W. Naylor, 1907 Salvation
As I come, O Savior, pleading / That my soul thou shouldst restore, …
Hudson | Ralph E. Hudson Campmeeting | Anonymous/Unknown Alas! and Did My Savior Bleed | Isaac Watts, 1707 Salvation
Alas! and did my Savior bleed / And did my Sov'reign die? …
New Britain | Anonymous/Unknown Amazing Grace | John Newton, 1779 Salvation
Amazing grace! How sweet the sound / That saved a wretch like me! …
A Miracle of Saving Grace | Lelia N. Morris A Miracle of Saving Grace | Lelia N. Morris, 1899 Salvation
A miracle of saving grace / The Savior wrought in me, …
Sagina | Thomas Campbell And Can It Be? | Charles Wesley, 1738 Salvation
And can it be that I should gain / An int'rest in the Savior's blood? …
A New Creature | Lloyd O. Sanderson A New Creature | Thomas O. Chisholm, 1935 Salvation
Buried with Christ, my blessed Redeemer, / Dead to the old life of folly and sin; …
A Perfect Salvation | Haldor Lillenas A Perfect Salvation | Haldor Lillenas, 1919 Salvation
Sing of a perfect salvation which saves to the uttermost, / Given to us by our Savior, bestowed by the Holy Ghost; …
Are You Living for the Lord? [TTBB] | Edmund S. Lorenz Are You Living for the Lord? | Carrie E. Breck, 1901 Salvation
Live for Him who died to save you / From sin's baleful curse and pow'r; …
Are You Washed in the Blood? | Elisha A. Hoffman Are You Washed in the Blood? | Elisha A. Hoffman, 1878 Salvation
Have you been to Jesus for the cleansing pow'r? / Are you washed in the blood of the Lamb? …
Lenox | Lewis Edson Arise, My Soul, Arise | Charles Wesley, 1742 Salvation
Arise, my soul, arise; shake off thy guilty fears; / The bleeding Sacrifice in my behalf appears: …
A Sinner Like Me | Charles J. Butler A Sinner Like Me | Charles J. Butler, 1881 Salvation
I was once far away from the Savior, / As vile as a sinner could be, …
At Calvary | Daniel B. Towner At Calvary | William R. Newell, 1895 Salvation
Years I spent in vanity and pride, / Caring not my Lord was crucified, …
At the Cross (Henry) | William J. Henry At the Cross (Henry) | William J. Henry, 1907 Salvation
There's salvation full and free, / At the cross; …
Blessed Be the Name of the Lord | Ralph E. Hudson Blessed Be the Name of the Lord | Charles Wesley, 1739 Salvation
Oh, for a thousand tongues to sing, / Blessed be the Name of the Lord! …
Blessed Fountain of Blood | Daniel O. Teasley Blessed Fountain of Blood | Daniel O. Teasley, 1900 Salvation
There is a blessed fount of blood, / It flows from Jesus' side; …
Blessed Sunshine | M. L. McPhail Blessed Sunshine | Kate Ulmer, 1900 Salvation
At the cross I found my Savior, / There my heart was satisfied; …
Calling Now | Philip P. Bliss Calling Now | Philip P. Bliss, 1873 Salvation
This loving Savior / Stands patiently; …
Christ Liveth in Me | James McGranahan Christ Liveth in Me | Daniel W. Whittle, 1891 Salvation
Once far from God and dead in sin, / No light my heart could see; …
Christ, the Friend We Need | Barney E. Warren Christ, the Friend We Need | Daniel S. Warner, 1893 Salvation
Oft my heart has bled with sorrow, / Not a friend my grief to share; …
Invitation | Joel A. Erickson Come, Come to Me | Anonymous/Unknown, 1877 Salvation
Jesus, I Thy face am seeking, / Early will I turn to Thee; …
Come Home, Poor Sinner | H. R. Jeffrey Come Home, Poor Sinner | H. R. Jeffrey, 1877 Salvation
Come home, poor sinner; / Why longer roam? …
Vernon | Lucius Chapin Come, O Thou Traveler Unknown | Charles Wesley, 1742 Salvation
Come, O Thou Traveler unknown, / Whom still I hold, but cannot see; …
Come to Jesus One and All | H. R. Jeffrey Come to Jesus One and All | H. R. Jeffrey, 1885 Salvation
I hear the Savior pleading, oh, listen to His call! / The blessed invitation, it reaches unto all: …
Come to the Fountain | George C. Stebbins Come to the Fountain | Frances J. Crosby, 1883 Salvation
Come with thy sins to the fountain, / Come with thy burden of grief; …
Come unto Me (Henry) | Granville Wright Come unto Me (Henry) | William J. Henry, 1900 Salvation
Come unto Me, all ye that labor, / Ye who in guilt and sin despair; …
Come While He Is Calling | Barney E. Warren Come While He Is Calling | Noah H. Byrum, 1897 Salvation
If, dear sinner, you are longing / All those sinful chains to break, …
Restoration | Anonymous/Unknown Come, Ye Sinners, Poor and Needy | Joseph Hart, 1759 Salvation
Come, ye sinners, poor and needy, / Weak and wounded, sick and sore; …
Complete in Christ | Samuel L. Speck Complete in Christ | Samuel L. Speck, 1897 Salvation
In Jesus Christ I am complete, / My soul is cleansed from sin; …
Don't Resist the Holy Spirit | Joseph C. Fisher Don’t Resist the Holy Spirit | Daniel S. Warner, 1885 Salvation
Don't resist the Holy Spirit, / Sinner, heed His loving voice; …
Enter by the Door | Barney E. Warren Enter by the Door | Barney E. Warren, 1907 Salvation
Blessed Jesus, I am bringing / All to Thee forevermore; …
Farewell to Sin | Barney E. Warren Farewell to Sin | Daniel S. Warner, 1893 Salvation
I will part with thee, old master; / This is my firm resolve; …
For a Worldwide Revival | Lelia N. Morris For a Worldwide Revival | Lelia N. Morris, 1910 Salvation
For a worldwide revival, blessed Master, we pray; / Let the pow'r of the Highest be upon us today; …
From Death to Life | Iva E. Kriebel From Death to Life | Ulysses Phillips, 1987 Salvation
From death to life, oh, what a thought! / Within my soul what change is wrought …
Fully Saved Today | Clarence E. Hunter Fully Saved Today | William J. Henry, 1900 Salvation
I am fully saved today, / All my guilt is washed away, …
From the New World | Antonin Dvorak Gift So Great | Joel A. Erickson, 2004 Salvation
Jesus died on a cross—oh, what awful cost!— / That He might from sin's blight save us, sinners lost; …
Glorious Freedom | Alfred Judson Glorious Freedom | Haldor Lillenas, 1917 Salvation
Once I was bound by sin's galling fetters, / Chained like a slave, I struggled in vain; …
God Is Calling Yet | Edwin O. Excell God Is Calling Yet | Gerhard Tersteegen, 1735 Salvation
God calling yet!—shall I not hear? / Earth's pleasures shall I still hold dear? …
God Made a Way | Joel A. Erickson God Made a Way | Joel A. Erickson, 2004 Salvation
This wanton world in grossest error / Is hast'ning toward the judgment morning; …
Hallelujah for the Blood | Lelia N. Morris Hallelujah for the Blood | Lelia N. Morris, 1899 Salvation
Hallelujah for the blood, for the sin-cleansing fountain, / For the Lamb has been slain, and the ransom price paid; …
Have You Any Room for Jesus? | C. C. Williams Have You Any Room for Jesus? | Anonymous/Unknown, 1871 Salvation
Have you any room for Jesus, / He who bore your load of sin? …
Hear the Cry | Andrew L. Byers Hear the Cry | Clara M. Brooks, 1907 Salvation
O'er the ocean's rolling waters, / From an eastern land today, …
He Brought Me Out | Henry L. Gilmour He Brought Me Out | Henry J. Zelley, 1898 Salvation
My heart was distressed 'neath Jehovah's dread frown, / And low in the pit where my sins dragged me down; …
Deliverance | William A. Ogden He Is Able to Deliver Thee | William A. Ogden, 1887 Salvation
'Tis the grandest theme through the ages rung; / 'Tis the grandest theme for a mortal tongue; …
He Lifted Me | Charles H. Gabriel He Lifted Me | Charles H. Gabriel, 1905 Salvation
In loving-kindness Jesus came, / My soul in mercy to reclaim, …
He Loved Me So [TTBB] | Barney E. Warren He Loved Me So | Thomas Nelson, 1900 Salvation
He loved me so, oh, praise His name! / He bore my sickness, sin, and shame; …
He Ransomed Me | J. W. Henderson He Ransomed Me | Julia H. Johnston, 1916 Salvation
There's a sweet and blessed story / Of the Christ who came from glory, …
He Saves to the Uttermost | Charles P. Jones He Saves to the Uttermost | William J. Henry, 1907 Salvation
I've found the Savior who died for man, / He saves to the uttermost; …
He Shall Gather the Lambs | James H. Robinson He Shall Gather the Lambs | Charles H. Gabriel, 1895 Salvation
"He shall feed His flock like a shepherd, / He shall gather the lambs with His arm." …
I Am Coming to the Cross | William G. Fischer I Am Coming to the Cross | William McDonald, 1870 Salvation
I am coming to the cross; / I am poor and weak and blind; …
I Am Free | Barney E. Warren I Am Free | Barney E. Warren, 1893 Salvation
I am free in the all-cleansing blood, / Oh, the sweet flowing tide in my soul, …
I Am from Sin Set Free | H. R. Jeffrey I Am from Sin Set Free | John Newton, 1774 Salvation
Let worldly minds the world pursue, / It has no charms for me; …
I Am Saved and My Heart Is Singing | Harlan D. Sorrell I Am Saved and My Heart Is Singing | Harlan D. Sorrell, 1977 Salvation
I am saved and my heart is singing, oh, there's music in my soul; / Heaven's glory in my soul doth ever chime. …
I Am Saved Today | George W. McMillan I Am Saved Today | Ulysses Phillips, 1987 Salvation
I am free from condemnation since the Lord has made me whole, / I have ceased from my repining since He filled with joy my soul; …
I Am the Door | Harlan D. Sorrell I Am the Door | Harlan D. Sorrell, 1983 Salvation
I am the door; if any man by Me shall enter in, / He shall be saved, and shall go forth a conqu'ror over sin. …
Assam | Hindustani melody I Have Decided to Follow Jesus | S. Sundar Singh Salvation
I have decided to follow Jesus; / I have decided to follow Jesus; …
I Heard My Mother Call My Name in Prayer | Eugene M. Bartlett I Heard My Mother Call My Name in Prayer | Eugene M. Bartlett, 1919 Salvation
While kneeling by her bedside on the cottage on the hill, / My mother prayed her blessings on me there; …
Vox Dilecti | John B. Dykes I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say | Horatius Bonar, 1846 Salvation
I heard the voice of Jesus say, / "Come unto Me and rest; …
I Know in My Heart What It Means | Daniel O. Teasley I Know in My Heart What It Means | Daniel O. Teasley, 1922 Salvation
When I read how my Savior was nailed to the cross, / For the sins of the world to atone, …
I Know My Jesus Saves Me | Joseph C. Fisher I Know My Jesus Saves Me | Joseph C. Fisher, 1885 Salvation
I know my Jesus saves me, / He healed my sin-sick soul; …
I Know My Savior Lives | Andrew L. Byers I Know My Savior Lives | Mrs. S. E. Donovan, 1918 Salvation
I know that my Redeemer lives / To intercede for me; …
I'll Try to Bring One | Andrew L. Byers I’ll Try to Bring One | Lizzie DeArmond, 1923 Salvation
I have a dear Savior, the best Friend I know, / While daily my life-race I run; …
I'm Redeemed | Joseph C. Fisher I’m Redeemed | Joseph C. Fisher, 1884 Salvation
I'm redeemed, I'm redeemed, / From the darkness of the night, …
Inside the Door | Ulysses Phillips Inside the Door | Ulysses Phillips, 1987 Salvation
Inside the door, O safe retreat, / From stormy winds that fiercely beat, …
Is Thy Heart Right with God? | Elisha A. Hoffman Is Thy Heart Right with God? | Elisha A. Hoffman, 1899 Salvation
Have thy affections been nailed to the cross? / Is thy heart right with God? …
I Stood Outside the Gate | Barney E. Warren I Stood Outside the Gate | Josephine Pollard, 1870 Salvation
I stood outside the gate, / A poor way-faring child; …
Shenandoah | American melody I Thank You, Lord | Joel A. Erickson, 2007 Salvation
I thank You, Lord, for such a Savior: / In humbled form so earthy, …
It Satisfies My Soul | Barney E. Warren It Satisfies My Soul | Barney E. Warren, 1907 Salvation
For me the blessed Savior came, / His great salvation to proclaim; …
It Was Jesus Who Set Me Free | Haldor Lillenas It Was Jesus Who Set Me Free | Haldor Lillenas, 1915 Salvation
When I was treading the pathway of wrong, / When I was bound by the fetters so strong, …
I Will Sing the Wondrous Story | Peter P. Bilhorn I Will Sing the Wondrous Story | Francis H. Rowley, 1886 Salvation
I will sing the wondrous story / Of the Christ Who died for me; …
I Would Not Be Denied | Charles P. Jones I Would Not Be Denied | Charles P. Jones, 1900 Salvation
When pangs of death seized on my soul, / Unto the Lord I cried; …
Jesus, Have Mercy on Me | Barney E. Warren Jesus, Have Mercy on Me | Charles W. Naylor, 1900 Salvation
Out on the desert in darkness and sin, / Long have I wandered, my Savior, from Thee; …
Jesus Is Real to Me | George H. Carr Jesus Is Real to Me | George H. Carr, 1915 Salvation
Though life's changing values may vanish away, / And things that were real become dreams; …
Martyn | Simeon B. Marsh Refuge | Joseph P. Hollbrook Aberystwyth | Joseph Parry Jesus, Lover of My Soul | Charles Wesley, 1740 Salvation
Jesus, lover of my soul, / Let me to Thy bosom fly, …
Jesus Makes Me Whole | Barney E. Warren Jesus Makes Me Whole | Barney E. Warren, 1893 Salvation
I hear celestial music strains / Resounding everywhere; …
Jesus Opened Up the Way | Aclen Webb Jesus Opened Up the Way | Eugene M. Bartlett, Sr., 1931 Salvation
Jesus Christ the Lord opened up the way to glory / When He died to save us from our ruined state, …
Jesus Saves | William J. Kirkpatrick Jesus Saves | Priscilla J. Owens, 1882 Salvation
We have heard the joyful sound: / Jesus saves! Jesus saves! …
Jesus, Thy Blood and Name | Fred L. Hahn Jesus, Thy Blood and Name | Fred L. Hahn, 1897 Salvation
Jesus, Thy blood, Thy precious blood! / For sin it doth atone, …
Jesus Will Save | Barney E. Warren Jesus Will Save | Charles W. Naylor, 1900 Salvation
Jesus will save, for your soul He hath given / His precious life as a ransom from sin, …
Joy Among the Angels | Daniel O. Teasley Joy Among the Angels | Daniel O. Teasley, 1911 Salvation
There is joy, glad joy among the angels, / Joy in heav'n above, …
Joyful News | Barney E. Warren Joyful News | Barney E. Warren Salvation
Jesus brought me to the mountain, / Where salvation echoes roll; …
Knocking, Knocking, Who Is There? | George F. Root Knocking, Knocking, Who Is There? | Harriet B. Stowe, 1867 Salvation
Knocking, knocking, who is there? / Waiting, waiting, oh, how fair! …
Let Him In | Barney E. Warren Let Him In | Barney E. Warren, 1893 Salvation
Who is knocking at your heart today? / Let the Savior in; …
McConnelsville | Lelia N. Morris Let Jesus Come into Your Heart | Lelia N. Morris, 1898 Salvation
If you are tired of the load of your sin, / Let Jesus come into your heart; …
Like a Mighty Sea | Henry L. Gilmour Like a Mighty Sea | Henry J. Zelley, 1900 Salvation
My soul today is thirsting for living streams divine, / To sweep from highest heaven to this poor heart of mine; …
Look and Live | William A. Ogden Look and Live | William A. Ogden, 1887 Salvation
I've a message from the Lord, hallelujah! / This message unto you I'll give, …
Looking for Me | William J. Kirkpatrick Looking for Me | Anna C. Storey, 1887 Salvation
I was a captive, but mercy released me, / I was in darkness, but now I can see; …
Look unto Me | James McGranahan Look unto Me | Daniel W. Whittle, 1885 Salvation
"Look unto Me, and be ye saved!" / Oh, hear the blest command; …
Louder, Louder | Allie R. Fisher Louder, Louder | Daniel S. Warner, 1885 Salvation
Onward moves the great Eternal / In the order of His plan; …
Love Lifted Me | Howard E. Smith Love Lifted Me | James Rowe, 1912 Salvation
I was sinking deep in sin, far from the peaceful shore, / Very deeply stained within, sinking to rise no more, …
Make Me Clean | Barney E. Warren Make Me Clean | Charles W. Naylor, 1907 Salvation
I have wandered in sin, and my soul is defiled, / But I know Jesus died on the tree; …
Ephesus | Daniel F. E. Auber Mercy’s Free | Richard Jukes, 1840 Salvation
By faith I see my Savior dying, / On the tree, on the tree; …
Mighty to Save and Keep | Barney E. Warren Mighty to Save and Keep | Barney E. Warren, 1900 Salvation
Mighty to save, and mighty to keep, / Grace like the ocean, boundless and deep; …
Mother's Prayers Have Followed Me | Bentley D. Ackley Mother’s Prayers Have Followed Me | Lizzie DeArmond, 1912 Salvation
I grieved my Lord from day to day, / I scorned His love so full and free, …
Landås (2) | André E. M. Grétry My Faith Has Found a Resting Place | Eliza E. Hewitt, 1891 Salvation
My faith has found a resting place, / Not in device or creed; …
My Soul Is Filled with Glory | John M. Harris My Soul Is Filled with Glory | John M. Harris, 1905 Salvation
Jesus found me when afar I wandered, / Brought me pardon from the throne above, …
My Treasures | Barney E. Warren My Treasures | Charles W. Naylor, 1907 Salvation
I have a treasure in my heart / More precious far than gold; …
Nor Silver nor Gold | Daniel B. Towner Nor Silver nor Gold | James M. Gray, 1900 Salvation
Nor silver nor gold hath obtained my redemption, / Nor riches of earth could have saved my poor soul; …
Plainfield | Robert Lowry Nothing but the Blood | Robert Lowry, 1876 Salvation
What can wash away my sin? / Nothing but the blood of Jesus; …
Not Saved by Works | Andrew L. Byers Not Saved by Works | Daniel S. Warner, 1888 Salvation
Ere Christ will reign within thy heart, / All rivals must from thence depart; …
Happy Day | Anonymous/Unknown O Happy Day | Philip Doddridge, 1755 Salvation
O happy day, that fixed my choice / On Thee, my Savior and my God! …
Oh, Bliss of the Purified | William B. Bradbury Oh, Bliss of the Purified | Francis Bottome, 1869 Salvation
Oh, bliss of the purified! Bliss of the free, / I plunge in the crimson tide opened for me; …
Caritas (2) | Richard W. Beaty Oh, How He Loves! | Marianne Nunn, 1817 Salvation
One is kind above all others, / Oh, how He loves! …
Oh, 'Tis Wonderful! | Francis A. Blackmer Oh, ’Tis Wonderful! | I. I. Leslie, 1884 Salvation
When I was far away and lost, / Oh, 'tis wonderful! …
St. Lewis | Lewis H. Redner O Little Town of Bethlehem | Phillips Brooks, 1867 Salvation
O little town of Bethlehem, how still we see thee lie! / Above thy deep and dreamless sleep the silent stars go by. …
Only a Step | William H. Doane Only a Step | Frances J. Crosby, 1873 Salvation
Only a step to Jesus! / Then why not take it now? …
Stockton | John H. Stockton Only Trust Him | John H. Stockton, 1873 Salvation
Come, every soul by sin oppressed, / There's mercy with the Lord, …
Open the Door | Joel A. Erickson Open the Door for the Children | Mary A. Kidder, 1870 Salvation
Open the door for the children, / Tenderly gather them in, …
Open the Wells | Charles E. Pollock Open the Wells of Salvation | Elisha A. Hoffman, 1902 Salvation
Lord, I am fondly, earnestly longing / Into Thy holy likeness to grow; …
Open Wide the Door | Barney E. Warren Open Wide the Door | Barney E. Warren, 1897 Salvation
Sinner, hark! the Savior's calling, / Pleading o'er and o'er; …
O Precious Savior! | Barney E. Warren O Precious Savior! | Barney E. Warren, 1897 Salvation
O precious Savior! / O precious Savior! …
Sicilian Mariners (2) | Sicilian melody O Thou Joyful Christmastide | Johannes D. Falk, 1816 Salvation
O thou joyful, O thou wonderful / Grace revealing Christmastide! …
Hamburg (2) | Lowell Mason O Thou Who Hears When Sinners Cry | Isaac Watts, 1719 Salvation
O Thou Who hears when sinners cry, / Though all my crimes before Thee lie, …
Appeal | Joel A. Erickson Over the Line | Ellen N. Bradford, 1878 Salvation
Oh, tender and sweet was the Father's voice / As He lovingly called to me, …
Plunge into the Fountain | H. R. Jeffrey Plunge into the Fountain | H. R. Jeffrey, 1885 Salvation
Wash me in Thy blood divine, / Wash me, then I shall be Thine; …
Nikolaus | Nikolaus Hermann Nativity | Henry Lahee Praise God the Lord, Ye Sons of Men | Nikolaus Hermann, 1560 Salvation
Praise God the Lord, ye sons of men, / Before His highest throne; …
Profit and Loss | George W. McMillan Profit and Loss | George W. McMillan Salvation
Here is a question up to all on the earth, / Time will unfold to young and old, …
Redeemed | William J. Kirkpatrick Redeemed, How I Love to Proclaim It! | Frances J. Crosby, 1882 Salvation
Redeemed, how I love to proclaim it! / Redeemed by the blood of the Lamb; …
Redeemed Through the Blood | Barney E. Warren Redeemed Through the Blood | Barney E. Warren, 1893 Salvation
I'm redeemed, I will proclaim it, / I'm redeemed by blood divine; …
Rescued | C. H. Dewey Rescued | Uriah E. Hallman, 1907 Salvation
Out from the snare of the fowler, / Out from the trappings of sin, …
Room at the Cross | William B. Blake Room at the Cross | William B. Blake, 1880 Salvation
Room at the cross for a trembling soul, / Room at the cross for you; …
Salvation Is Flowing | Barney E. Warren Salvation Is Flowing | Daniel S. Warner, 1893 Salvation
Hallelujah to Jesus! salvation is flowing, / Oh, wonderful showers of grace! …
Salvation Is the Sweetest Thing | Barney E. Warren Salvation Is the Sweetest Thing | Daniel S. Warner, 1893 Salvation
Salvation is the sweetest thing / That mortal ever found; …
Saved! | H. E. Bright Saved! | H. E. Bright, 1913 Salvation
Jesus my Savior came to save me / When I was wand'ring out in the night; …
Saved by the Blood | Daniel B. Towner Saved by the Blood | S. J. Henderson, 1902 Salvation
Saved by the blood of the Crucified One! / Now ransomed from sin and a new work begun, …
Rapture (Scholfield) | Jack P. Scholfield Saved, Saved | Jack P. Scholfield, 1911 Salvation
I've found a Friend, who is all to me, / His love is ever true; …
Saved Tonight | S. S. Plank Saved Tonight | C. H. Dewey, 1907 Salvation
"Saved tonight, O blessed Jesus!" / Thus my soul in rapture sings; …
Saving Grace (Eastwood) | Adam Geibel Saving Grace (Eastwood) | T. M. Eastwood, 1912 Salvation
When I shall see my Lord and King, / And with the saints His glory sing, …
Saving Grace (Johnston) | Daniel B. Towner Saving Grace (Johnston) | Julia H. Johnston, 1901 Salvation
O golden day, when light shall break, / And dawn's bright glories shall unfold, …
Seeking to Save | Philip P. Bliss Seeking to Save | Philip P. Bliss, 1876 Salvation
Tenderly the Shepherd, / O'er the mountains cold, …
Since Jesus Came into My Heart | Charles H. Gabriel Since Jesus Came into My Heart | Rufus H. McDaniel, 1914 Salvation
What a wonderful change in my life has been wrought / Since Jesus came into my heart; …
Sing of Salvation | Andrew L. Byers Sing of Salvation | Daniel S. Warner, 1888 Salvation
Sing of salvation, oh, it was love / Brought the dear Savior down from above; …
Sin Shall Not Reign | Andrew L. Byers Sin Shall Not Reign | Charles W. Naylor, 1926 Salvation
Once by sin our souls were bound / And no helping hand we found, …
Softly and Tenderly | Will L. Thompson Softly and Tenderly | Will L. Thompson, 1880 Salvation
Softly and tenderly Jesus is calling, / Calling for you and for me; …
Holy Manna (2) | William Moore Strait and Narrow Is the Gateway | Duane Troyer, 2013 Salvation
Strait and narrow is the gateway, / Strive to enter thereinto. …
Wo Ist Jesus, Mein Verlangen | Anonymous/Unknown Stricken, Smitten, and Afflicted | Thomas Kelly, 1804 Salvation
Stricken, smitten, and afflicted, / See Him dying on the tree! …
Take Me as I Am | John H. Stockton Take Me as I Am | Eliza H. Hamilton, 1878 Salvation
Jesus, my Lord, to Thee I cry; / Unless Thou help me, I must die, …
Tangles | Anonymous/Unknown Tangles | Anonymous/Unknown Salvation
Tangles, tangles, tangles I was in; / I was born in Tangle Town because of Adam's sin; …
Tell Mother I'll Be There | Charles M. Fillmore Tell Mother I’ll Be There | Charles M. Fillmore, 1898 Salvation
When I was but a little child, how well I recollect / How I would grieve my mother with my folly and neglect; …
The Backslider | Andrew L. Byers The Backslider | Charles E. Orr, 1900 Salvation
Sad and lonely, weak and weary, / Down life's rugged path I roam; …
Santiam | Joel A. Erickson The Blessing Bestowed | Anna L. Waring, 1863 Salvation
With a heart full of anxious request, / Which my Father in heaven bestowed, …
The Cleansing Stream | Amanda L. Speck The Cleansing Stream | Barney E. Warren, 1888 Salvation
We're living by faith in the Savior alone, / Who suffered on Calv'ry for sin to atone; …
The Cross | Andrew L. Byers The Cross | Lucy M. Lewis, 1897 Salvation
Oh, the cross! the precious cross! / 'Twas there I counted all but loss; …
The Debt We Owe | Andrew L. Byers The Debt We Owe | Clara M. Brooks, 1907 Salvation
The Lord of the harvest is calling / For laborers true in His field, …
The Fountain of Cleansing | Nellie L. Miller The Fountain of Cleansing | O. A. Pratt, 1907 Salvation
Oh, come to the fountain of cleansing, / Dear sinner, why longer delay? …
The Glorious Invitation | Barney E. Warren The Glorious Invitation | Barney E. Warren, 1900 Salvation
Heed the glorious invitation, come, / Oh, come, oh, come; …
The Good Shepherd | Clarence E. Hunter The Good Shepherd | O. A. Pratt, 1900 Salvation
Afar on the mountain the Shepherd / Is seeking the lost ones to save; …
Great Physician | John H. Stockton The Great Physician | William Hunter, 1859 Salvation
The great Physician now is near, / The sympathizing Jesus; …
The Great Redeemer | Samuel W. Beazley The Great Redeemer | Francis Foster, 1915 Salvation
How I love the great Redeemer / Who is doing so much for me; …
The Hallowed Spot | Anonymous/Unknown The Hallowed Spot | William Hunter, 1845 Salvation
There is a spot to me more dear / Than native vale or mountain; …
The Haven of Rest | George D. Moore The Haven of Rest | Henry L. Gilmour, 1885 Salvation
My soul in sad exile was out on life's sea, / So burdened with sin and distressed, …
The Healing Waters | Leander L. Pickett The Healing Waters | H. H. Heimar, 1900 Salvation
Oh, the joy of sins forgiv'n, / Oh, the bliss the blood-washed know, …
The Ninety and Nine | Ira D. Sankey The Ninety and Nine | Elizabeth C. Clephane, 1868 Salvation
There were ninety and nine that safely lay / In the shelter of the fold; …
The Old Account Was Settled | Frank M. Graham The Old Account Was Settled | Frank M. Graham, 1902 Salvation
There was a time on earth when in the book of Heav'n / An old account was standing for sins yet unforgiv'n; …
The Penitent's Plea | Herbert H. Booth The Penitent’s Plea | Herbert H. Booth, 1890 Salvation
Savior, hear me, while before Thy feet / I the record of my sins repeat, …
The Prince of My Peace | William G. Fischer The Prince of My Peace | Wilbur F. Crafts, 1873 Salvation
I stand all bewildered with wonder / And gaze on the ocean of love, …
The Prodigal's Return | Joseph C. Fisher The Prodigal’s Return | Joseph C. Fisher, 1885 Salvation
Oh, how weary and sad is my aching heart today, / As I languish alone to die! …
The Promise Is for Me | Clarence E. Hunter The Promise Is for Me | Charles W. Naylor, 1907 Salvation
I used to hear the promise, / That Christ would save from sin, …
City Bright | James S. Tyler There Is a City Bright | Mary A. S. Deck, 1898 Salvation
There is a city bright; / Closed are its gates to sin; …
Latakia | Edward G. Taylor There Is Life for a Look | Amelia M. Hull, 1832 Salvation
There is life for a look at the Crucified One, / There is life at this moment for thee; …
There Is Power in the Blood | Lewis E. Jones There Is Power in the Blood | Lewis E. Jones, 1899 Salvation
Would you be free from the burden of sin? / There's pow'r in the blood, pow'r in the blood; …
There's a Fountain Free | Asa B. Everett There’s a Fountain Free | Mary B. Slade, 1876 Salvation
There's a fountain free, 'tis for you and me: / Let us haste, oh, haste to its brink; …
Wellesley | Lizzie S. Tourjee There’s a Wideness in God’s Mercy | Frederick W. Faber, 1862 Salvation
There's a wideness in God's mercy, / Like the wideness of the sea; …
The Rescued Lamb | Joel A. Erickson The Rescued Lamb | Joel A. Erickson, 2008 Salvation
Hear the angels in heaven rejoicing today, / For a lamb who was lost on the mountains away …
The Sacrificial Lamb | Silas S. Martin The Sacrificial Lamb | Silas S. Martin, 2013 Salvation
The Sacrificial Lamb was slain / Upon Mount Calvary; …
The Savior's Invitation | Charles H. Gabriel The Savior’s Invitation | Tom C. Neal, 1893 Salvation
Hear the blessed Savior saying, / "Let the children come to Me!" …
The Sheep That Was Lost | Anonymous/Unknown The Sheep That Was Lost | Anonymous/Unknown, 1922 Salvation
The sheltering fold held securely / The ninety and nine safe within; …
The Spirit Pleading | Daniel O. Teasley The Spirit Pleading | Charles W. Naylor, 1900 Salvation
Oft in the noonday, the evening, / And in the stillness of night, …
The Wonderful Change | Barney E. Warren The Wonderful Change | Daniel S. Warner, 1888 Salvation
All weights are gone, my heart is light, / My scarlet robes are changed to white; …
The Wonderful Story | Charles H. Gabriel The Wonderful Story | Charles H. Gabriel, 1897 Salvation
Oh, sweet is the story of Jesus, / The wonderful Savior of men, …
This Is Why I Love My Savior | Barney E. Warren This Is Why I Love My Savior | Daniel S. Warner, 1893 Salvation
Shall I tell you why I ceased from folly? / Why I turned away from sin? …
Though Your Sins Be as Scarlet | William H. Doane Though Your Sins Be as Scarlet | Frances J. Crosby, 1880 Salvation
"Though your sins be as scarlet, / They shall be as white as snow; …
St. Petersburg | Dmitri S. Bortnianski Thou Hidden Love of God | Gerhard Tersteegen, 1729 Salvation
Thou hidden Love of God, whose height, / Whose depth unfathomed, no man knows, …
'Tis Better Felt than Told | H. R. Jeffrey ’Tis Better Felt than Told | H. R. Jeffrey, 1885 Salvation
Blest was the hour that heav'nly fire / Lit up my darkened soul; …
Transformed | Bentley D. Ackley Transformed | F. G. Burroughs, 1920 Salvation
Dear Lord, take up our tangled strands, / Where we have wrought in vain, …
Waiting at the Cross | Barney E. Warren Waiting at the Cross | Barney E. Warren, 1900 Salvation
Lord, I come to Thee with an aching heart, / I am waiting at the cross; …
Enlistment (2) | Joel A. Erickson Wanted Hearts (Children’s Version) | John Lawley, 2013 Salvation
Wanted: hearts made clean by fire, / Hearts with no dark spot of sin; …
What the Savior Hath Said | Barney E. Warren What the Savior Hath Said | Barney E. Warren, 1901 Salvation
I am so glad that the Savior hath said, / "Come unto Me, come unto Me," …
When My Savior Reached Down for Me | G. E. Wright When My Savior Reached Down for Me | G. E. Wright, 1920 Salvation
Once my soul was astray from the heavenly way, / And was wretched and vile as could be; …
Where Jesus Is, 'Tis Heaven | James M. Black Where Jesus Is, ’Tis Heaven | Charles J. Butler, 1898 Salvation
Since Christ my soul from sin set free, / This world has been a Heav'n to me; …
Whiter than Snow | Barney E. Warren Whiter than Snow | Daniel S. Warner, 1885 Salvation
Rejoice, little ones, in the promise divine, / The Savior has willed that His glory be thine; …
McConnell | James E. McConnell “Whosoever” Meaneth Me | James E. McConnell, 1910 Salvation
I am happy today, and the sun shines bright, / The clouds have been rolled away; …
Whosoever | Philip P. Bliss Whosoever Will | Philip P. Bliss, 1870 Salvation
"Whosoever heareth," shout, shout the sound! / Spread the blessed tidings all the world around; …
Won by Dying Love | Daniel S. Warner Won by Dying Love | Daniel S. Warner, 1888 Salvation
While sleeping careless on the brink / Of an eternal woe, …
Wonderful Savior (Harris) | John M. Harris Wonderful Savior (Harris) | John M. Harris, 1905 Salvation
Jesus, my king, my wonderful Savior, / All of my life is given to Thee; …
Wonderful Savior | Daniel O. Teasley Wonderful Savior (Teasley) | Daniel O. Teasley, 1906 Salvation
Wonderful Savior, my blessed Redeemer, / Leaving a mansion of splendor He came, …
Words of Life | Philip P. Bliss Wonderful Words of Life | Philip P. Bliss, 1874 Salvation
Sing them over again to me, / Wonderful words of life; …
Ye Must Be Born Again | Andrew L. Byers Ye Must Be Born Again | Charles W. Naylor, 1907 Salvation
That heavenly Teacher, in words that are plain, / This truth declared to men, …
Yes, I Know! | Anna W. Waterman Yes, I Know! (2) | Anna W. Waterman Yes, I Know! | Anna W. Waterman, 1920 Salvation
Come, ye sinners, lost and hopeless, / Jesus' blood can make you free; …
You Ought to Sing | Ella V. Phillips You Ought to Sing | Ulysses Phillips, 1987 Salvation
Jesus Christ has come to set the captive free, / He died to take away death's sting; …
Youth Is the Time | Daniel O. Teasley Youth Is the Time | Barney E. Warren, 1903 Salvation
Youth is the time to serve the Lord, / While the heart is tender; …