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A True Story in Allegory | Lottie L. Jarvis

Plans for Curbing Zealous Young Ministers

Now did Mr. Hypocrisy, his bride, and all her before-named relatives come to the camp to help Mrs. Apostasy in her work, for it was for their special convenience that this binding was being done. Having already attended to those things which concerned their prestige and purse, still Mr. Hypocrisy felt somewhat uneasy as to the future. Whereupon he was given leave to speak. Now, this was a private meeting, as it was even then not safe to divulge all his plans to the whole congregation. However, besides his relatives, Mr. Discernment who was now blind, was admitted, also Mr. Importance, Mr. Efficacy, Mr. Worldly-Wise, Mr. Anything, and some others of the “trustworthy” class. Then did he warn them of the danger of young shepherds who may rise here and there and do a great deal of harm to his cause, even before he should be able to find it out. “Now, if we would be safe, they must not be allowed to run at large.

“Now we had one very notable case—away back before we got things in order—in Saul of Tarsus. Why! He just did what he thought God wanted him to do without even going up to Jerusalem and letting the Jews overhaul him or put any strings on him because of his peculiar views, which he said he had gotten by revelation. Neither would he confer with flesh and blood, but went right off to preaching to the heathen without any sanction from us. Of course, we renounced him and sent out a delegation to hamper him all they could; but we simply couldn’t manage him. Then we have had some others who persisted in following his advice. Of course, during the last half century, our cause has suffered much, but I believe that if we will do our best now we can stop this kind of thing. “Now, as we have our net woven we can pull the strings and soon have all our faithful ones warned not to receive anyone who does not carry a letter from us. This will deliver them into our hands. That being done I suggest that we start a training home, at least it will be called by that name, but in reality it will be a taming school for zealous young ministers. Of course, we have many theological seminaries where we undermine the faith, and even the belief in the authenticity of the Scriptures and the fundamentals of Christianity; these people are still afraid of those places for awhile, so I suggest that we advertise that we have a place for spiritual development, and that only graduates from this place need expect to be acknowledged as ministers. I have sketched out a course which I will present for improvement and criticism. Now, we will have different natures to tame, therefore we will need to use several distinct methods to bring about the desired result.”