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A True Story in Allegory | Lottie L. Jarvis

Sounding the Trumpet

The committee had no more than finished their plans for getting things into their kind of order, than they were disturbed one day by a great blast of a trumpet, sounding from the heights of the mountain which overlooked the valley. They had, of course, taken for granted that those insignificant folk who had made their escape, had been scattered to the four winds, and would never have the courage to give trouble to such a great company of great people as themselves. There is something about the mist of this valley which causes the objects therein to appear much taller than they really are, so that a very ordinary person appears as a walking giant, especially to himself.

However, several of the little faithful ones had already found their way to the mountaintop. There they found some of the Hold-Fast family, who had always remained there at home, and who, upon giving them welcome, and hearing the news from the valley, had set to blowing the trumpet to call any stragglers who might be groping their way up from the valley. Many times had the Apostasy family tried to destroy that most annoying trumpet, but it was set up in such a high altitude and in such an impregnable position, that they had never been able to do aught but, for a season, to in some way deceive the trumpeters, for a short time, into the idea that it was no longer necessary.

Then was Mr. Hypocrisy overwhelmed with sorrow and vexation to think that those people would persist in spoiling his plans. For, as long as that trumpet gives out a clear and certain sound, there will always be someone preparing to give him battle.