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Dear Princess, Number 2 (Spring 1997) | Timeless Truths Publications

Book Reviews

The Choice Is Yours

The Choice Is Yours written by Mary R. Zook, is a variety of true stories for teens. It has been a real blessing and encouragement to me! (Even though I won’t be 13 till June!) One story that was encouraging to me was the last chapter, “The Joy of Submission,” in which a young wife was having trouble in submitting to her husband, and gets help through a older sister and the Lord. I applied the same truth to my situation—submitting to my parents. It also brings out the effectiveness of prayer and a warning of a froward way. It is an excellent devotion book.

She also wrote The Price of Peace. It was a real blessing to me also. It applies Bible teaching to everyday problems. The main characters range in age from mid-teens to young parents. We enjoyed reading it as a family for devotions. Both books can be purchased from Rod and Staff Publishers, Inc.

—reviewed by Abigail Spinks

On This Side of the Mountain

On This Side of the Mountain is a story/diary of a boy, named Sam, who wanted to live in the wild. Many years ago, his great-grandfather had bought a mountain of land, but being a sea-faring man, he left it and went back to the sea.

Now Sam really wanted to go live there, but when he asked his father, he laughed and said he could try; but he would probably come home the next night. After Sam had done some research, he left, taking with him some flint, steel, and clothing. Some of the adventures he recorded are: first night outdoors, catching and training Frightful, his falcon, making a house out of a large tree, Dad coming to visit, deer season, and the first snow storm. (You need to read the book to see what else he did!} Hope you enjoy reading this book as much as I did!

There is a sequel, called On the Other Side of the Mountain, but I did not care for it as well.

—reviewed by Coquetta Spinks