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Dear Princess, Number 9 (Spring 1999) | Timeless Truths Publications


Dear Sisters,

If you are new to the pages of Dear Princess, or simply want to know, we wanted to meniton that the contents of this issue are not in the normal scheme of things. Devoted mostly to dress and outward/inward modesty, this issue is directed more to young ladies’ outward appearance than charcter building, holy living, and truly a love for our Father, the King. In our previous issues, we usally haven’t focused so heavily on one specific topic, but have tried to have a variety of articles.

The discussion was not prompted by any one person, or specifically targeted at some particular person, but because we’ve seen many of our readership questioning and pondering about modesty. We pray the different contributitons and insights will spur you on to seek the Lord and search His Word for the answers.

—Skye and Abigail