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Foundation Truth, Number 11 (Winter 2005) | Timeless Truths Publications

God Forbid That I Should Murmur

Ethel Meadows

God forbid that I should murmur
Of the hardness of the way;
Of foolish things that people do,
Of trifling things they say.

God forbid that I should murmur
When another causes pain;
All that ever fret and try us
Are not reasons to complain.

They are only tools that shape us
After God’s most holy plan—
Oh, such love our God revealeth;
Oh, such mercy unto man!

God forbid that I should murmur—
Anything that touches me,
First was suffered by my Savior—
Suffered, oh, so willingly.

Little things that fret and try us,
Causing murmur and complaint,
If but borne, as He intended,
Are the makings of a saint.

His best timbers all are tempered
By the raging of the storm;
And until the tool has chiseled,
The marble has not shape or form.