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Foundation Truth, Number 18 (Summer 2007) | Timeless Truths Publications

First Fruit

It is the time of year when the vegetable gardens are bearing fruit. Oh, how much I have looked forward to picking the first fruits of our labors—hardly anything could be more tasty. If you have a vegetable garden of your own, you will have noticed that the first picking is by far the very best. The beans are straight and uniform, the broccoli clusters are well formed, the lettuce fresh and crisp—and the list goes on. This is the result of much toil and sweat, but in the reaping, it all becomes worthwhile.

At this time in particular, I am reminded about how much the Lord delights in us giving Him of our very best. For some of us it is the income that we feel is so valuable to do the things that are important to us. For others of us it is being able to be a blessing to those in need, whether it is sharing of our goods, time or talents. To bear fruit that pleases the Lord is only possible when we allow Him to work in our lives to do as He wants to. As a garden is prepared for good fruit, it takes diligence in the caring of our soul for the fruit in our lives to be just as it ought to be. The soil of our soul is dependent upon being fed by the Word of God in Spirit and in Truth. Are we hungry enough for the Truth? This is a good question. It is when we are truly hungry that we will earnestly desire and contend for what we need. Are you contending to commune with God and feed on His Word? Are you eager to be with other believers to hear their testimonies, and encourage one another in the Lord? Are we convinced that the trials in our lives are part of this process that is necessary for our faith to be tested and strengthened to bring forth the fruit that is acceptable to God?

Let the Lord speak to you as you garden this year. If you aren’t a gardener, take the time to begin one now, as you will find that the benefits are well worth it. The Lord will meet with you there in your garden if you let Him. How is the fruit of your own personal garden? Remember it is more blessed to give than to receive. Real love is voluntary, so it is with God. Giving of our first fruits, our very best, is what pleases the Lord the most (2 Corinthians 9:7). We then can trust Him to give us of His very best in return.