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Foundation Truth, Number 7 (Autumn 2002) | Timeless Truths Publications

Happiness Starts with Mother

The other day we heard some talks on happiness. One point was to count your blessings when you feel depressed. We can always find someone who is in worse shape than we.

While listening to these talks, it dawned on me that a mother holds much of the happiness of the family in her hands. When the morning starts out with a happy and cheerful mother, the children are bound to absorb some happiness. In turn, it may be passed on to their teacher or other children. Her husband will go to work a happier man, passing some of it on to his boss or fellow workers. It helps make the family more eager to return home in the evening, too.

In our home, we have found that happiness comes from serving the Lord, asking His help and guidance. We have our ups and downs in life, but underneath there is the calm assurance of a higher help.

I feel so sorry for those who have no aim in life, nothing to look forward to each day.

We try to teach our children to appreciate the little things in life. The free things in life offer us so much: A walk in the fields and woods, feeding a baby calf with a bottle, watching an ant colony, keeping a room clean and neat, teaching baby brother to pray, and on and on.

Life gives us so many joys if we will only take them.
