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Foundation Truth, Number 8 (Spring 2003) | Timeless Truths Publications

About Foundation Truth

We publish Foundation Truth by faith, its only support being free-will offerings that God lays on the hearts of His children to keep this ministry supplied. Therefore, there is no subscription price.

If the Lord lays it on your heart to contribute, please make out any checks or money orders to Richard Erickson. We have difficulty depositing any monies made out to Foundation Truth or any other past or present publication name.

Address correspondence to:

Foundation Truth, email

Note that letters received will be considered for publication unless requested otherwise.

We continue to experiment with aspects of the magazine. Some age groups have a section or articles addressed to them specifically, while other articles are of general interest. Some columns will be regular, and others occasional. The absence of names on some articles is not meant to frustrate, but to keep the focus on the message, rather than the messenger. Please pray for us, that the Lord’s will be accomplished in both format and content.

All scripture quotations are from the King James Version unless otherwise indicated.

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License. Basically, you can copy any or all of this magazine, unless otherwise indicated, as long as you credit the source.