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Foundation Truth, Number 8 (Spring 2003) | Timeless Truths Publications

Honey in the Rock

A battle had been borne all week with a lazy student. Each afternoon had been given to finishing last weekend’s homework. Friday morning was upon us and thoughts were coming to our mind of all the “baby-sitting” we had had to do with this student to accomplish the needed material. The devil was bringing up all the things that were begging to be done that could have been accomplished in that time. A royal battle was on hand in the mind, and a place of prayer was sought to deal with the darts of the enemy.

After a while my husband opened the door and said they were all waiting for devotions. With a continued prayer in my heart for the Lord’s grace and help, I arose and joined them. The devotions were on forgiveness. The parable of the man who had been forgiven a great deal, who then in turn would not forgive a man who owed him only a little bit. Yes, I needed to forgive this student.

As I forgave, the enemy had to flee. Then a thought came, that I was sure would be a good motivator. At the proper time it was then employed, and it was amazing what that student accomplished!

In pondering, we can see the attack of the enemy—the hard place, but when met with the power and favor of God, deliverance came and our souls were satisfied and honey was found from the rock (Psalms 81:16). How we praise God for His help!

The following morning the song Honey in the Rock rang in our heart and voice. Do you know the song? Perhaps someday when the devil is throwing his darts, you, too, will then find grace and help and honey from the hard places you meet.