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Helps to Holy Living | Charles E. Orr

The Soul’s Craving

The soul’s cravings will not all be fully met and satisfied while here in the body. It was created for greater freedom, for more perfect vision, for greater knowledge, and for a closer union with Christ. The veil of flesh hangs between the redeemed soul and heavenly realities of which it has a consciousness and for which it longs. The soul in love with Christ finds great delight in thinking about the mansion Jesus has gone to prepare and where it shall look into His face as it cannot here. Redeemed man does not have much to do with earthly things compared with his activities amid heavenly things. While in the body he needs to attend to some things here, but he lives mostly in eternity. There are no cravings of the soul for the things of the lower life; its cravings are all for things above. Be sure that you distinguish between the two. It is possible to mistake the cravings of the flesh, the intellect, the sentimental for the craving of the spirit. The mind of man may hunger for an intellectual knowledge of God while the soul has no hunger for God. The soul that longs after God finds the hour of communion with God the sweetest of all the life. It has no thirstings for life’s pleasures.