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Letter to a Little Princess

Dear Princess,

Are you ready for a story about Princess Precious? One day Mother gave Princess Precious a baby doll, named Charlotte, for her birthday. Precious was very happy. Charlotte had big blue eyes that opened and closed. Precious could really give her a bottle of pretend milk. Precious was sure that Charlotte was the best doll in the world!

You would think that with such a nice doll, Precious would be very, very happy. And she was. Except one day, a little imp shot an arrow of discontent in Precious’ heart. Precious didn’t go to King Jesus and have Him take the arrow out right away—she was too busy playing with Charlotte. But soon, Precious wasn’t so happy playing. She began to wish that Charlotte could drink real milk and would cry like a real baby. Soon, Precious thought sadly, “A baby doll isn’t really that nice. I wish my baby would come alive.”

Then Precious remembered that King Jesus had said that if anyone would ask something of Him, He would give what they wanted. Precious dropped on her knees and prayed, asking King Jesus to make her baby doll come alive. But Charlotte did not move. Princess Precious asked again and again, but King Jesus did not answer. Big tears splashed down from Precious’ face.

“Why, what is wrong, Princess Precious?” Mother Matron asked, coming into the room. Precious sobbed out the whole story about Charlotte and how King Jesus did not answer.

Mother was quiet, and then she said, “Did you know that sometimes King Jesus does not always give us what we want?”

“Why not?” asked Precious, “He said that He would.”

“No,” said Mother Matron kindly, “He said He would give us what is best, not what we always want. King Jesus did not make Charlotte come alive because it would not be best for you. See, Precious, you have to go to school, and you do not have time to take care of a baby. Real babies cry and need to be taken care of all the time. It is best that Charlotte stays a doll.”

Princess Precious’ eyes opened wide. What if King Jesus had answered her prayer and she couldn’t go to school or play outside, but always take care of a real baby? Suddenly, Precious was glad that King Jesus only answers prayers that are best for us.

With love,
Aunt Grace