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Treasures of the Kingdom, Number 13 (June 2001) | Timeless Truths Publications

Treasure in the Prickly Patch

“Can I help?” Rosie asked, the minute she hopped out of the van.

Aunt Jenny laughed as she stepped from the porch to meet them. “You surely can, for there’s plenty to do.” Rosie looked eagerly across the dry lawn to the old buildings where she could see the boys working. The place Uncle Albert had bought looked more exciting than she had imagined, complete with an old tower behind the barn.

“Oh, Mama,” Cousin Amy said, coming around the corner, “can Rosie help us in the garden? There’s lots and lots of weeds.”

“That will be just the thing,” Aunt Jenny agreed, and the two girls hurried off.

Rosie’s eagerness faded when she caught sight of the large weed patch in the middle of the back yard. It looked more like prickles than anything else, but she remembered her morning prayer asking Jesus to help her be a willing worker. She would do her best.

“Look what I found!” Megan called excitedly, pulling a fuzzy-leafed plant from among the weeds. “It has a red root!”

“Oh, I know what it is,” Rosie said, as they joined Megan in the garden. “It’s a radish: we grow them at home. It’s kind of spicy, but I like it with dip.”

“Wow, I didn’t know there were vegetables in here.” Amy pulled up a dandelion, looking at the ground closely. “Is that another one?” With eager hands the girls soon uncovered a whole row of radishes among the prickly weeds.

“Let’s call them our treasures,” Megan suggested.

“This is going to be fun,” agreed Rosie. “Let’s work really hard and surprise our moms.” Her fingers were soon pricked and dirty, and her back felt stiff from bending, but Rosie was enjoying herself. Now she was glad she was pulling those weeds, for there were hidden treasures to find.

“I’m sure thirsty, aren’t you?” Amy said, after they had worked for over an hour.

“And hot.” Rosie wiped her sweaty face on her sleeve. “I wish we could have a sprinkler on!”

“Can we have lemonade?” asked Megan, throwing another handful of weeds on the fast-growing pile. Amy ran off to the house to find out, and the girls stopped to rest. Rosie stretched and looked around.

“Is that tall tower yours, Megan?” she asked. They could see it plainly in the shady trees behind the barn, with its crumbling walls and dark window. It looked like a little castle from a storybook.

“Yes, but Dad says we shouldn’t go in it,” Megan said. “I asked him this morning.”

Just then Amy came puffing up to them. “They’ve got some cold lemonade that they’re bringing for everybody,” she said. Aunt Jenny and the older girls came and everyone gathered in the shade.

“Been doing any work?” Irene teased as she passed out the cups.

“We’ve been working really hard,” Megan said, trying to wipe some of the dirt off her fingers.

“And we’ve found lots of treasures,” added Rosie.

“What kind?” asked Cousin Ronald, as he waited for Aunt Jenny to fill his glass.

“Radishes and potatoes.” Rosie pointed at the rows they had uncovered.

“Why, those really are treasures,” Aunt Jenny said, admiring their work.

“We’ve been finding a mine of great stuff, too,” Ronald said. He pulled a tin box out of his pocket that held a pile of old coins and a few rusty keys. Chad had even found a pocket knife.

Daniel stepped nearer to Rosie and whispered, “Ron says there might even be a treasure chest in the old tower, ’cause it was used by smugglers a long time ago.”

“Really?” Rosie was about to ask, but Aunt Jenny was talking.

“Well children, treasures or no we must all get back to work.” She started toward the house. “The garden is looking wonderful, girls—keep up the good work.”

The next hour dragged slowly as the girls worked in the heat of the sun. Rosie tried to keep cheerful thinking how happy Aunt Jenny would be, but the weeds seemed extra stubborn and prickly. If only we could work in the shade like the boys are, she complained to herself. If only we could explore that old tower.

“Maybe we can go in the sprinkler for awhile,” Amy said at last, looking at the rows still to do.

“I’ll go ask,” Rosie said quickly. She ran over the prickly grass and stepped onto the cool, shaded porch. Uncle Albert sat on a chair taking off his shoes.

“It’s a good time for a break,” he said, when she asked about the sprinkler. “There might be some hoses behind the barn. But don’t go near the old tower; it’s not safe.”

“I won’t,” she called as she slipped out the gate. But, as she waded through the tall grass, Rosie couldn’t help wondering, Why can’t I take just one peak? It stood before her now, tall and mysterious. What could be so dangerous about it? Broken bricks lay piled in the grass near the window, and as Rosie stepped closer she felt a cool breeze brush her face. What treasure was hidden behind those dark walls?

“Ouch!” Rosie stepped back quickly and looked at the prickly vine she had stepped on. What was it about thorns that Dad had said that morning in devotions? “If we don’t conquer our enemies by God’s help, they would become like the weed.” She had been pulling those all morning.

Rosie looked up at the old tower and prayed, “Dear Lord Jesus, help me to do right—and not let the prickly weeds grow.” Turning around quickly, Rosie began walking back the way she came. “I will conquer and obey,” she said to herself.

As she turned the corner of the barn Rosie spotted something green lying coiled in the grass. Bending down she uncovered a hose, and a yellow sprinkler nearby. Rosie picked them up, and a smile lit her face. This is the best treasure yet, she thought, and Jesus helped me find it.

Megan and Amy were waiting in the shade when Rosie came back, hauling her prize with her. “We can turn it on in the garden while we finish pulling weeds,” she said, and laughed. “I surely want to pull every prickly one up!”