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Treasures of the Kingdom, Number 18 (April 2002) | Timeless Truths Publications

True Treasures

When we talk about treasures, we talk about things that are special and valuable. It is a treasure when we want to keep it safe and not lose it. It is a treasure because it brings us happiness or comfort for a while. When you are little your favorite bear or blanket may be your treasure. As you get bigger, you think of more important things—special gifts, money, and people. But do these things last a long time?

Jesus tells us that true treasures are things that last forever. How can anything last forever? It can’t be things we see, or people we know. Those things fall apart, get old, or die. The Bible says that this whole world will burn up one day. True treasures come from heaven. They are not things we can see or touch. But they are the most valuable things we can ever have. Do you know what they are?

In the story Daniel learned about one of these treasures. It is called peace. When Daniel was doing what was right and choosing Jesus’ way, he had a good feeling inside. He knew God was happy with him. But when he started thinking about keeping things to himself, he wasn’t happy any more. What happened? He let a robber steal his peace! The robber was Selfishness.

There are many robbers that try to steal our true treasures. They cheat us and trade the true treasures for false ones. Selfishness made Daniel think that a pen was really worth a lot and that he should not share it with Rosie. He didn’t listen to Jesus’ whisper to watch out, so he lost his peacefulness. He only had a pen and wasn’t happy at all. Was it a good trade? No. Remember always to listen to Jesus and keep the true treasures safe.