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Treasures of the Kingdom, Number 31 (July 2004) | Timeless Truths Publications

Something You Can Do

Do you ever have extra free time and wonder how to spend it? Maybe you want to do something fun with your brothers and sisters, but you are tired of playing games or working on projects. Maybe Mom wants you to do something helpful together. Why not start

A Caring Hands Club

You can name it what you like, but the first thing you would want to decide is your reason for having a club. Will you plan ways to get the work done around the house extra fast? Maybe you want to form a secret society that thinks of ways to surprise people by helping them without them knowing. Or your club can be for everyone who wants to practice doing unto others as you want them to do to you.

Next you will have to organize your club. One person should be chosen for president or club leader. He or she will be responsible for making the final decision and keeping everyone in order. Maybe you could vote on who would do that job the best. You don’t have to do a lot of organizing, but here are some jobs other people could have:

  • a vice president would advise and help the president
  • a secretary is in charge of writing the rules and plans of the club
  • a janitor can keep the club meeting place clean
  • an organizer could help plan the projects and keep track of supplies

Before you think about all the things you want to do, remember to name your club and make some requirements for club members. Should everyone be allowed to talk at once? Can a club member get kicked out if they don’t behave? How often will you meet? Remember, your parents will need to know what you are up to! Get their permission before you make your plans.

The best club is the one is not thinking about themselves, but others. It doesn’t matter if you can’t do what you planned on. What is important is that you do the right thing. A good club will keep a standard of what is right, no matter if other people think you are silly or strange. What would God be pleased with? His opinion is what really counts in the end!