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A Sweet Smell

Step out on the porch a minute. I want you to smell something wonderful. “What is it?” you ask, twitching your nose in the damp air. Dead leaves still lie under the trees where a few snowdrops are pushing through. But we aren’t smelling the snowdrops. Clumps of green show where the daffodils are coming up. But the fragrance doesn’t come from them. What can smell so sweet on a cold winter day?

Just step near the daphne bush a moment. “Ah! What a lovely smell!” you say, bending closer. “It is a good thing it is planted by the front door so we can enjoy it.” I thought you would say that. Don’t you love sweet-smelling flowers? It doesn’t matter if they aren’t showy or colorful, because the fragrance is what counts. All you have to do is close your eyes and sniff!

Did you know that the prayers of God’s children are a sweet smell to Him? I’m not talking about the prayers your lips say, but the kind that come from your heart. God knows the difference between a fragrant prayer and one that is just for show. If you are having a hard time obeying cheerfully, Mom might say, “You better pray.” Do you bow your head and say a few words? Or do you go to your room and really ask for help because you want to please Jesus? Which one do you think God will notice?

True prayer is talking with a dear, kind Friend who loves us. Can you imagine God sitting on His high throne, waiting for you to slip up close and tell Him all your troubles? When you kneel down and open up your heart to Him, you are God’s little flower. Just see Him bending near in delight, saying, “That call for help is the sweetest fragrance I have smelled today!” Yes, the Father in heaven is pleased to hear the call of His children who truly trust in Him. Are you a child that brings Him delight?

Philippians 4:6 says, “In every thing, by prayer and _______________ with thanksgiving let your requests be know unto God.” Find the missing word by filling in the missing letters below. Can you figure out what it might mean?

__omething you ask for
__pon your knees,
__raying and
__leading, knowing God will
__isten to the needy
__n great love and
__nd that He is able
__o do what
__ cannot. To depend
__n God, because
__othing is impossible with Him.