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Treasures of the Kingdom, Number 40 (Fall 2006) | Timeless Truths Publications

Dear Reader

After several months of prayerful seeking, we are burdened to continue the paper on a simplified, yet focused, format. Please consider it soberly. As you can see from the cover, we are addressing the real needs and hinderances to truth that face children everywhere. Our Lord Jesus came to bring real deliverance from real evil in the human heart. We pray that you will seek Him with all your heart.

Feel free to write us. We welcome questions, and are open to addressing concerns that you might be facing.

We are a God-fearing family that includes Rick and Krista Erickson, and their daughters still at home: Laura (26), Kara (21), and Amanda (13). The publishing of Treasures of the Kingdom is mainly done by Laura and Amanda. We appreciate your prayers.

In the King’s Service,
The Editors