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Treasures of the Kingdom, Number 58 (Fall 2012) | Timeless Truths Publications

A Place for Prayer

Do you know that God cares?

Whether our needs are big or small, God wants us to talk to Him and ask for His help. When good things happen, it pleases God that we are thankful. Let’s remember to pray for each other!


Please pray for my kid goats that they will be strong and healthy. Pray for me that I won’t have bad dreams, but will think about good things.

—AutumnGrace, age 11

I want to be a happy boy.

—Thomas, age 3

Please pray that I won’t have bad dreams and that God will protect my mom and dad.

—Shannon, age 5

We are selling wood to get money so we can help Christian Aid Ministries. Please pray that more limbs will fall off the trees so we can cut them up and sell them.

—Judah and Josiah, ages 5 and 3


Thank God for our paperwork going through so that we can go to Papua New Guinea sooner!

—Judah, age 5

The Lord is faithful and keeps His promises. We have experienced several miracles. The oldest lady in the congregation here (at the Bible Center in Makindu) was healed from having swollen legs and other problems. Now she is sharing about God’s goodness with other older people. Her mother, who is still alive, came and asked for prayer to be delivered from a demonic attack. The Lord delivered her, and we are so grateful. [Read more at livingwaterbarrenland.blogspot.com]

Recently, a mother of several children lost her job and had nothing for her family to eat. Her young son prayed for her to get a job and told her to go out and search for it. She testified that she started out late in the day, but the first home she went to gave her a job and is now paying her daily. She came to church beaming with joy and gratitude to the Lord!

—shared by Brother Lawrence, a minister in Kenya

Look for the complete story in the next issue.

I am thankful that there is always a reason to rejoice in the Lord. Even when we have trials and troubles, we can be thankful that God is able to help us and use them for our good (Romans 8:28). When we trust God, we can look at our problems as an adventure—what will God do next? Let us remember that God wants to help us every time and there is no reason to complain or worry! Pray for me, and I will be praying for you.

—Miss Laura