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Treasures of the Kingdom, Number 6 (April 2000) | Timeless Truths Publications

The Best Way

Have you ever thought of what will happen if you do right? What if you do wrong? The Bible tells us that God will reward us for the way we live. Have you ever gotten a reward for doing something? Maybe you did a good job in your school lesson and you got a hug or a sticker. When your father works, he gets paid for it. If you obey and help your mother, she smiles and is glad. But if you disobey, your reward is not a happy one. No one likes to be punished, do they?

The Lord says, “Obey my voice, and I will be your God, and ye shall be my people: and walk ye in all the ways that I have commanded you, that it may be well unto you.”* (Jeremiah 7:23) The Bible is full of promises of what God will do if we obey Him and do right. He has told us that He will take care of us and we will have happiness and a home in heaven. It also says that those that do wrong will be punished and will have much trouble. Don’t you think that obeying God is the best way?

Sometimes God’s way seems to be the hardest way. It is hard to give up what we want to make someone else happy. It is hard to do what is right when others do what is wrong. It is hard to be kind to someone that is mean. And some days we will have troubles and disappointments, like Daniel had. When he chose to be cheerful anyway, God helped him. If we ask God to help us do what is right, it always turns out best in the end. Maybe it doesn’t seem to be the best way at first. But just trust God, and He will work everything together for our good.

When the day seems gloomy or you feel cross, go to Jesus. If He has given you a clean heart, you will find that He is always there to help you. Take every trouble to Jesus and ask for His cheerfulness and love. When we follow God’s way and do what is right, God will reward us. He gives us love and joy. He hears us when we pray and helps us. He takes care of us and shows us the right way. And if we will continue to do right until we die, we are promised a happy home with Him.

You will see many people do wrong and disobey God. Many times it does not seem like they have troubles or problems. But we know that in the end they won’t have peace or happiness. God has promised to punish those that don’t follow His way. Always remember that you will be rewarded for how you live. God sees everyone, if they are obeying Him or not. Choose God’s best way.