Timeless Truths Free Online Library | books, sheet music, midi, and more
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Marks of a Spiritual Mind

April 1, 2013

Marks of a Spiritual Mind | Elmer E. Shelhamer, 1917 Sanctification
Men get different conceptions of what constitutes deep spirituality. And as they see things differently, their lives correspond more or less with their theories. Hence the need of a proper, Scriptural standard.
More Abundant Life

July 5, 2003

More Abundant Life | Charles E. Orr, 2014 Experience
The abiding soul is a praying soul. In all abiding in Jesus there is a constant action of the soul, and this action is prayer.... The soul that prays, really prays, abides in a state of quietness, reposing on the bosom of God, and knows no fear, save the fear of God.
More than Conquerors

May 1, 2018

More than Conquerors | Albert B. Simpson, 1890 Warfare
Are we looking upon our spiritual adversaries and obstacles as things that have come, not to crush us, but to be cast down for the honor and glory of our Captain's cause? Thus shall we be "more than conquerors through him that loved us."
Musical Instruments and Worship

June 28, 2003

Musical Instruments and Worship | Archie Souder Worship
This subject of music in the church is surely a spiritual subject. Now, dear reader, get your Bible out before you read any farther, as this question can only be answered by the Word of God. I am going to deal wholly with God's Word.
Must We Sin?

April 17, 2004

Must We Sin? | Daniel S. Warner, 1890 Victory
Bro. F.—Well... I should like to have a talk with you. They tell me that you sanctified folks claim to be free from sin, and I can't believe that, for the apostle Paul confessed that he had sin dwelling in him, and I don't think we can get better than he was.