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To the One Fold

God’s children were scattered in Babel so cold,
And often obscured was their way;
But now they are coming back to the one fold,
In unity ever to stay.

Victorious Praise

With a shout of jubilation all my soul doth say,
I am happy and contented on God’s holy way;
Jesus’ grace has made me whole,
And His presence in my soul
Keeps my glad heart singing glory all the way.

Yoke Up with Jesus

Yoke up, yoke up with Jesus—all who to Him belong
With Him are one in spirit with all God’s ransomed throng;
There’s but one hope and calling, one faith, one Lord, one birth,
Whereby one God inhabits one body here on earth.
Yoke up, yoke up with Jesus, He’ll graft you in today;
Renounce man-made religions and take the Bible way;
This is the dispensation God gathers into one
All things in earth and heaven in His beloved Son.