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A Religious Controversy | Charles E. Orr

Conversation 18

Mr. Wiseman (the next day)—Good morning, my dear wife. Praise the Lord, I’m saved! I can’t tell you how happy I am. Come, let us arise and spend this day for God. Let us arise and meet God at the altar of prayer. This is the Lord’s day. The little birds are already singing praise to their Maker. Come let us join them. There’s music in my soul. Who would have thought such joys belong to mortal man?

Mrs. Wiseman—My soul is humbled before God. How can I express the gratitude of my poor heart? The Lord is good. We’re saved. Hand in hand we shall journey on to our sweet eternal home.

But, James, I want to bring those preachers home with us for dinner—if you don’t object.

Mr. W.—I object? No, indeed. Bring everybody.

Mrs. W.—Shall I bring Mr. Smith?

Mr. W.—Yes, yes; all hatred is gone. I love him, and I’ll tell him so and prove it to him.

Mrs. W.—This is the last day of the meeting.

Mr. W.—Thank God! I came in at the eleventh hour.

Mrs. W.—They’re going to have baptizing this afternoon.

Mr. W.—I’1l be baptized with you, dear. What a blessed privilege to be buried with Christ! Isn’t that wonderful? Dead to the world! Dead to self! Dead and buried! Resurrected to a new life in Jesus! My eyes are open and I see things I never saw before. Oh, how blind I have been! But now I see. I’m going to serve God with all my heart. Let us be real Bible saints. I mean to go over my possessions, and everything that is not needed I’m gong to sell and give to the work of the Lord.

Mrs. W.—I have a great many things I want to sell. Those rings and bracelets and necklaces, I can’t wear anymore. My fancy hats, too, and dresses, I can sell. I don’t want them.

Mr. W.—Yes, we’ll make a cleaning out of things. We will lay our treasures up in heaven instead of on earth. I’ll make all my wrongs right as far as lies in my power.

Mrs. W.—We must start a Sunday school and prayer meetings.

Mr. W.—Yes, we must; and we’ll never be too busy to attend them. I’ve been living shamefully—very seldom had time to attend prayer meetings. I can remember however, back forty years ago. I was really converted; I loved the Bible and the prayer meetings. Scarcely anything could keep me at home. But I lost that precious love. I have it again, thank God! and now I’m going to abide in it. We’ll make the rest of our lives count for God all we can. I wish all the world were as happy as I am this morning.

Mrs. W.—They could be if they’d come to Jesus and be saved. But we’re now ready for our morning worship and breakfast; then we shall need to hurry and get ready for meeting and the baptizing.

Mr. W.—I feel more like praising God than eating, but I suppose God would have us care for the body, which is the temple of the soul.