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A True Story in Allegory | Lottie L. Jarvis

Hypocrisy’s Visit to the Great Camp

Mr. Hypocrisy had once been a humble saint, one of those chosen ones upon whom God pours out special blessings and anointing. He had lived in an obscure place and was noted for his godly and simple life. He also had a great longing for his brethren in the Lord. Finally one day he said to his friends, “Let me go unto my brethren, that I may enjoy their fellowship and be refreshed by them.”

As he approached the camp of the saints, he heard the high praises of God, and some came running to meet him to give him loving welcome, and others even wept for very joy at seeing his face. With this inspiration, together with the fullness of the Spirit, the strings of his tongue were loosed and he became so eloquent in prophesying that all were made to marvel, and to glorify God in him. Had this been all, our subject might still be glorifying God in his ministry. But the sad part, which made him Mr. Hypocrisy, happened just as the meeting was over. Mrs. Simpleton came forward in her overmuch zeal and presented him with a bottle of “great praise” ointment. This, if taken moderately, will revive a drooping spirit under certain conditions; but if taken excessively it brings on blindness, a swelling of the head, and, consequently, a wandering of the feet into forbidden paths. Then came forth Mr. Bigheart and gave our friend a purse of gold coins. This was his first experience with gold, and it, like the ointment, if immoderately administered, creates an appetite for itself and leads into by-paths. Then, just outside the camp, came Mr. Worldly-Wise and presented him with a neat little gilt-edged booklet on philosophy, saying, “I have heard your eloquence, and knowing that you are a man of wisdom, I herewith beg of you that you accept this gift with which I am sure you will be charmed when once you have given it your attention. Besides it will greatly help you in your work among the better classes, as the gospel without some help does not always take.” So our friend pocketed the forbidden book and with the presents that he had received, started for his field of labor.