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Around Old Bethany | Robert L. Berry


The events narrated occurred many years ago. Last summer there was a reunion of the Davis family in the old home at Bethany. One son had become a minister in the church, the other was the editor of the local newspaper. One daughter was home on a furlough from China, while the other was married to a Christian brother in the town. Robert Davis, in the meantime, had preached the whole gospel. He had been instrumental in raising up several congregations.

“Dad, what is the most important experience you ever had in your life?” asked Marie one day.

“The most important experiences of my life occurred right here, my girl, when Janet was a baby,” he replied. “Here is where your mother and I first became seekers. Here I debated for the truth before I fully understood it, but I felt it was essential to stand up for what I knew was truth. Here your mother was healed when life seemed almost gone and the last ray of hope had died in the gathering darkness. Here I first learned of the church of God. Here that good religious paper first came to my notice, bringing rays of light to my mind and soul.

“Those were the beginnings, humble ones indeed, but they were the beginnings of my life of service. My days are about over. My work is about done. My eyes are dim, and my strength is failing. My race will soon be over. I have seen the church in Bethany grow into the place of influence it now has, from the very humblest beginnings. I have seen thousands flee to the cross of Jesus for mercy and pardon, and I have heard the shouts of hundreds that have been sanctified wholly. And I have seen many, many sick persons healed.

“My children, be true to God, be true to the cause of truth. Carry these precious truths to the next generation, unadulterated, as pure as they come from the Bible. Invest your all in God’s cause; you will receive a hundredfold now and hereafter.

“May you ever champion the cause of truth which Jesus Christ came to establish. The church He built shall stand till the mighty Gabriel declares that time shall be no longer, till the judgment day comes, yea, and afterward she shall live in the heaven of heavens eternally with her Founder and Lord.

“Press on, children, all heaven watches the race you run. Do not become negligent, nor worldly, nor lovers of luxury, nor of ease. Live as good soldiers of Jesus Christ and be crowned victors and conquerors at last.”

A holy awe filled the room as this aged saint gave them his benediction.

And they replied, “By the grace of God, we will, Father.”