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Bible Humility | Jacob W. Byers


“Yea, all of you be subject one to another, and be clothed with humility: for God resisteth the proud, and giveth grace to the humble. Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time.”* (1 Peter 5:5-6)

The word humble in the latter verse signifies to make self low. In Proverbs 6:3 the word has yet a deeper signification, which is to trample on self. Taking these two texts we have a very important thought before us. It suggest to our minds the proper and scriptural position of self. Many other references of Scripture could be added, but these, I believe, are sufficient.

It is not the carnal nature or sinful self that is here spoken of; for this has the death sentence pronounced upon it. This must be crucified and cast off, the process of which, of course, requires also a deep humiliation and abandonment of our will to God in sanctification; but what is to be made low, and trampled upon, and placed under the mighty hand of God, is our individual, soul, life, including body and all. The God-life cannot be perfectly manifested through us to the world until the self-life is brought into the depths of humility and kept in its true position of subjection. It is a necessary part of us in our existence, and also a necessary part of us in the service of God. In its proper place it is the vehicle to convey the God-life to our surroundings, sustaining the same relation to God, as our feet to our body. It is therefore not to be destroyed nor considered as useless, but in meek submission to the will of God it can be used of Him to His own honor and glory.

Our every attitude toward God must be in this utmost submission. Always ready and willing to glorify Him, without the least desire for any glory to ourselves. Always seeking to represent Him to this world, without the least desire of self-representation. Always seeking, as Jesus did, “not mine own will, but the will of the Father which hath sent me.”* (John 5:3O) Like the branch laden with the delicious fruit of the vine, it is never spoken of for the good fruit borne, but the vine receives the praise. So we are to be so meekly and humbly the branches to bear the precious fruit of Christ—always to honor Him in every step, willing to be hid away out of sight that He may always be manifest.

It is evident from the language of this text that this yielding ourselves into this humility is within our own power. Of course it is all through the grace of God, but there is an essential part required of us. “Humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God”* (1 Peter 5:6) is the command. There are scriptural instances where God had to humble His people, that He might be glorified and they benefited, and other instances where the people humbled themselves. The self-humiliation is much more to the glory of God and to the good of His people. In the one case it is by compulsion, in the other it is an acceptable service, and will be proportionately productive of greater blessings to God’s glory and our good. In the one case it may be necessary in many instances, to secure the salvation of the individual, without any profitable service and fruit for God in the salvation of others, while in the other case the whole life is one of continual fruit-bearing for God.

Oh, Beloved, let us humble ourselves under the mighty hand of God! In these evil days there is no other place of safety against the awful powers of the devil, who is walking about as a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour. The mighty hand of God is our sure defense; but it cannot so be if we do not put ourselves under His power.

Through the depths of humility we enter and abide under this glorious defense where that wicked one cannot touch us. In this condition alone can we resist him steadfast in the faith, and discern his wily schemes that would overcome us.

The apostolic faith can never be attained without the apostolic humility. This was shown me by the Holy Spirit in a dream. I dreamed I was in company with some saints praying for the sick, and casting out devils. The battle was on. We were in the depths of earnestness, when suddenly I began to feel myself sinking. The earth beneath me gave way, and I saw we were all going down. We were not alarmed, and held still. We began going down very rapidly into immense depths, when at last we reached a beautiful plane of open country; but all around were multitudes of people with all manner of sicknesses, and those possessed with devils. The sight of this so inspired us that we again laid hold on God for the faith to claim deliverance for these people. While thus looking to the Lord, the people began to gather around us in throngs; some cried out for help, others possessed with devils tried to flee from us, but we called out to all around us that in the name of Jesus they could all be delivered. We began to touch those within our reach, and the experience of Acts 5:16 was repeated. I awoke with a conviction for apostolic humility. The dear Lord had been doing much for us, and we were sinking deeper; but, oh, there are such great depths yet to attain! We all desire to rise to a higher plane, but this desire will only be realized as we sink deeper into humility.

The dear Lord is revealing to me that I have failed both in example and precept, to hold up definitely this doctrine to the Bible standard as much as I should have done, at all times, and I hereby humbly confess my lack, and request prayers of the saints that I may redeem the time. The lack has been upon worldly conformity, permitting individuals to continue in unscriptural adornments, such as wearing of gold and fashionable apparel, without insisting as much as I should have done against it—depending too much upon the individuals being led into this light by the Holy Spirit.

It is with this subject just as with every other; the light usually comes through the preaching or reading of the Word. If it were not for the false teaching upon these matters, the Holy Spirit would easily lead everyone into the clear Scriptural light of non-conformity in dress. As it is, the doctrines of error must be boldly withstood by the faithful preaching of God’s Word, so that every honest soul may have the opportunity of reaching the Bible standard of humility in every respect. Many dear souls reach the glorious experience of entire sanctification, who, of course, do not at the time comprehend the depths of meaning in, “Thy will be done,” but who would very soon, as the “Thy will” keeps unfolding, find, if they were left alone under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, that God’s Word is His will, and would be led naturally to measure up to every precept of the Word as fast as light and knowledge is by the Spirit imparted.

Many false doctrines are everywhere advocated, teaching there are many non-essentials in God’s Word; therefore, it matters not about their observance, thus leading many honest souls into the delusion that they are just as acceptable to God by conforming to the vain fashions and customs of the world. This makes it more and more an incumbent duty of the ministry in the evening light to cry aloud and spare not, to show a deluded and proud religious world their sins, and also to keep back nothing that is profitable to the Church of God, that everyone who has a willing and obedient heart may measure up to the standard of Bible humility. Dearly beloved, I mean by the grace of God to lift up this standard more definitely.