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Christian Conduct | Charles E. Orr

Christianity in Home Life

Nowhere is Christianity more beautiful and blessed than in the home. It changes the home of wickedness, strife, and contention into a peaceful and delightful Eden. The home of the poor it converts into a palace. It drives away discontentment, uneasiness, fear, and darkness, and showers contentment, peace, assurance, and sunlight into every heart and home it is permitted to enter. Recently we saw some people shouting in a public meeting, and speaking in their testimonies of the blessedness of salvation. They said, “It is a heaven to go to heaven in.” Yet in their homes we found them irritable, impatient, and contentious, which is very unlike heaven. But, thank God, Christianity brings a heaven to the home as well as in the public life. Christianity is Christ in the heart, and where Christ is, there is heaven; consequently a Christian has a heaven within him, and he has this heaven at home as well as abroad. Praise God!

Christianity in home life makes all peace, harmony, honesty, and faithfulness between master and servant; love and kindness between brothers and sisters; love and dutifulness between parents and children; love, trueness, and faithfulness between husband and wife. Christianity makes a home a heaven. Home where all is love and tenderness and devotion is the sweetest and most sacred spot on earth. A home where Christianity is crowned a queen in every heart is an Eden. The heart of God is filled with delight as he looks down upon such a home. His presence dwells there and causes this home to be a beautiful oasis in this desert world of sin. Alas, that such homes are so few! Sin destroys the happiness of man and makes many a home a hotbed of contention, strife, and confusion. Jesus came to put away sin and establish “on earth peace, good will toward men.”* (Luke 2:14)