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Dear Princess, Number 4 (Fall 1997) | Timeless Truths Publications

Letters From Dear Princess Readers

Dear Abigail,

How are you and your family? My family is fine…. I would like to request your publication, Dear Princess, if I may. I am 9-1/2 years old. I am sending a recipe for sweet potato bread. In my opinion, it is one of the best kinds of bread. Thank you for publishing Dear Princess. The articles were very encouraging to me.

Your friend,
Caitlin Eck
Bartlett, KS

Dear Abigail,

Skye Erickson sent me a copy of Dear Princess. Please sign me up on your mailing list. Also, could you send me some back issues? I publish a magazine too! I have enclosed a few back issues.

Valerie Silliman
Springville, CA

Dear Valerie,

Thank you for your note and the issues of Joyful Hearts! I enjoyed reading your magazine very much! Please put me on your mailing list!


Dear Abigail,

Thank you so much for your little newsletter You must work so hard putting it together. I would love to receive it as long as you wish to send it to me!

Love and prayers,
Your friend,
Holly Hageman
Telford, PA.

Dear Abigail,

It’s a lovely Saskatchewan day outside the kitchen window: the sky is blue, blue, blue, the sun is shining, and even if the lawn is brown, because of the mid-drought we’ve been having, the trees are green and flourishing.

I guess I should introduce myself formally.

My name is Rebecca Leigh Schmaltz and I was born January 16th, 1981 so I am now 16. I am about 5 feet l-1/2 inches. I’m thin, with copper-colored hair, blue eyes, and glasses, and I have lots of freckles. I enjoy pen-friends, history, reading and writing, house-cleaning, organizing, and talking. My family is Daddy (Larry), Mommy (Barb), Heidi (14), Sarah (12), Zachary (going on ten), Hannah (4), and another new sibling due in November! “My Sister Is a Princess” was a very “ouch” sort of article to me. Convicting.

About Vol. 1 Issue 3, one teensy suggestion…. could you use a different kind of font for “From the Editor”? I found it rather difficult to read.

Mommy and I both enjoyed the interview with the Erickson girls! My sister, Heidi read “A Time to Laugh” to me and the first time I didn’t get it at all. She read it again to me and, then, once I understood it, I had a good laugh. Aren’t little brothers and sisters cute?

Well, guess I should be going now.

Because He lives,
Becky Schmaltz
N. Battleford, SK.

PS. I would love to continue to receive Dear Princess.

Dear Becky,

I’m sorry for the inconvenience I caused you and others by having a difficult font to read in “From the Editors.” We are still experimenting, so please bear with us.


Dear Abigail,

I liked reading your magazine. My favorite part was about me eating the carrot and “Confide in Mother.”

My name is Jessica Ann Erfurt. I am 7.

Thank you for sending me Dear Princess. Please put me on your mailing list.
