We Need Your Help!
Dresses vs. Pants—Which?
Several readers have been grappling with the issue of modesty—“Why dresses?” “What’s wrong with pants?” We believe in modesty, but thought that perhaps it would be both edifying and insightful to hear what others believe and how you’ve dealt with all that comes with wearing dresses. Mothers, grandmothers, older sisters: we welcome your writings; we’d really appreciate your wisdom in this subject. And we invite all of you to answer the questions: What does God say in His Word? How do the scriptures support modesty? And what does the inward spirit of modesty have to do with the outward?
In asking for your help we pray that you’d search the scriptures and know for yourself just why you believe as you do.
“And let us consider one another to provoke [challenge, arouse, stir up, spur] unto love and to good works.” (Hebrews 10:24) We need your help to “spur” our readers, and we pray that the Lord will stir some of you to write.
We’re thinking of featuring this topic in the next Dear Princess—Winter 1998, therefore, all input on this subject needs to be no later than January 1st. Please write!
What are your reasons and beliefs for wearing only or mostly dresses?
What do you do or wear to stay modestly covered while doing certain work or being active (exercising, bike tiding, active games, etc.)?
Where do you find the dothing you wear, whether purchasing it from a store, or sewing it?
Do you have any special hints or tips on everyday dress wearing?
What do you wear to go swimming and do you have any special rules or guidelines for swimming?
—Questions suggested by Micah Cooper
We want to encourage each of you, if the Lord lays a certain topic on your heart, to write to Dear Princess! We are always in need of inspirational insights on a certain character quality, how to become more like Christ, and common daily struggles that the Lord has helped you to overcome. Please don’t feel obligated to write on any certain topic other than what the Lord has laid on your heart.