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Food for Lambs | Charles E. Orr

A Theater

A theater is a place where plays are performed before spectators. People go to such a place to witness the acts of men. The apostle Paul says, “We are made a spectacle unto the world.”* (1 Corinthians 4:9) In the margin it reads “theater” instead of “spectacle.” In Conybeare and Howson’s translation this text reads thus: “To be gazed at in a theater by the world.” You as a Christian are here in this world on exhibition for God. He is the character you are to represent in life’s great play. You must live in such a way as to do justice to His name. This world is looking on. God has written the entire play in His book. You have a lifetime to play it in. If you will live in humble obedience to all the Word of God, you will act your part well and faithfully represent His true character.