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Foundation Truth, Number 1 (Winter 2000) | Timeless Truths Publications

From Letters of Love and Counsel.

Growing in Grace

Jennie C. Rutty

Some might think that as we receive so much at one time in salvation and sanctification, there would be nothing left for the future and Christian life would become all monotonous; but that is just the opposite, for the two works of grace only prepare us to grow in grace and in the knowledge of God, for we come into fellowship with Him and He can reveal the wonderful things of God by the Spirit dwelling within our hearts.

The way to have a good time in the service of God is to be so intent on doing and being all that shall please Him, that there is no thought of self, and then the way will be strewn with richest joys, that are often brought to light by passing through severe trials.

For as the sun doth always shine
Beyond the clouds, so these of mine
Are forms that veil the one above,
Who gives us ever, life and love.

The trials pass away as clouds, and the glorious presence of God is so enjoyed and more highly prized than before. Do you remember when the Lord Jesus was so severely tempted by the Devil, that when He faithfully rebuked him by using the sword of the Spirit, the word of God, angels came and ministered unto Him? Thus it is, when we endure sorrows, privations, cares, trials, and temptations, as followers of the meek and lowly Lord should, that the sustaining grace and power of God are realized; and as the trials pass away, there is a sweet ministration as from angels, and our souls are raised to higher realms of love and glory.

When we have dearly beloved earthly friends, we love to be in their presence, hear their words of love and counsel, and feel the sweet emotions that thrill and fill affectionate hearts. This is the fellowship of pure natural love. When we take our Bible, enter into our closets, and realize the Lord’s presence there and that there is nothing standing between us to hinder the flow of divine love, read His loving messages from the sacred Word, then fall on our knees in humility before Him and claim by faith those messages and promises as belonging to us, from the deep of our hearts well up thanksgiving and praise for His great loving-kindness, and in loving boldness we ask gracious favors from His bountiful hands; our cup of joy runneth over, for this is the sweet communion and fellowship of the Holy Spirit in secret devotion. But, through hours of toil, sadness, and trial, we may constantly realize this precious fellowship with God, as from the depths of our souls there is a hearty amen to all His will, and we move forward in the narrow way, hearing and obeying all the divine revelations of truth.

Then there comes in connection with the fellowship with God and His Son, through the Spirit, the fellowship of saints, which is but poorly imitated by many different religious organizations of today. Each one of God’s true children, having the Spirit of God, filled with divine love, walking in the same way, having the same aspirations to do God’s holy will, realizes

Oh, brethren, how this perfect love
Unites us all in Jesus!
One heart, and soul, and mind, we prove
The union heaven gave us.*

The more we love God, the purer and sweeter will be the fellowship of God’s dear children, and it is His will that we abound more and more in brotherly love.

We may grow in the knowledge of God by the unfolding of the scriptures to our minds and hearts. Let us glance at several verses and let the Spirit apply their language to enrapture and fascinate our souls with a deeper knowledge of God and love for truth.

“I am the rose of Sharon and the lily of the valleys.”* (Song 2:1) Jesus is here spoken of as a beautiful rose, and those who love nature in its many forms of beauty will see here a precious lesson. As this rose of Sharon, the queen of flowers, symbolizes Christ, we learn of His attractive beauty, that we may be drawn to Him, and sink out of ourselves into Him and partake of His lovely nature, that we all may live lives of Christ-like beauty with the holy fragrance of divine love. He is again symbolized by the lily of the valleys, to bring to our notice His delicate Christly purity, that we may shrink from the gaudiness of worldly life, and covet this purity that can shine from the valleys of human misery and woe in untarnished beauty.

Jesus is also called “the bright and morning star,”* (Revelation 22:16) and is promised to those who keep His works, and have Jesus abiding “in your hearts by faith; that ye, being rooted and grounded in love, May be able to comprehend with all saints what is the breadth, and length, and depth, and height; And to know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge, that ye might be filled with all the fulness of God.”* (Ephesians 3:17-19) Could there be a greater treasure than this marvelous love that may be known, and yet is beyond knowledge? For while we know it in the salvation of our souls, we may not comprehend it’s vastness; but be filled with all the fullness of God, for we may have all our hearts can contain of perfect God love, and as we grow in grace we can comprehend more of it, and better appreciate its value.

Now, by the help of the Lord, I want to show you a beautiful vision, that some of you may learn the precious lesson that was taught to me by the Holy Spirit. I saw myself in company with a dear sister, who was robed in the most beautiful garment of dazzling whiteness, walking through an edifice of grandeur and beauty, through which flowed a river whose waters were crystal clear and whose waves and dashing spray glistened like purest gems. As we stood admiring its untold loveliness, the sister plunged into the crystal tide and held up to my astonished eyes many indescribable beauties, as she said in tones of sweet reproach, “Oh, how few of the many who abide here really understand or enjoy the many treasures that are given to us as children of God!” This encouraged me to explore the building, and I was filled with glory, as an understanding was given to me as I saw its glories and preciousness. Finally, a long stairway was reached, and, as I stood, hesitating about descending, because of its apparent tiresomeness, sounds of feasting and joy issued from below the stairway and I longed to descend and partake with them of their joys. Just then somone approached and offered His hand, and, as I put mine into His, confidence, sweet peace, comfort, and security filled my heart, and down the stairway we glided with perfect ease. As the bottom was reached, a consciousness of the truth was given, and I said, “Yea, Lord, down to the very depths of humility I will go, for Thou art with me.”

Then I saw the great building was the church of God and through it flowed the river of life, to be enjoyed by all the inhabitants of the house, and, as it was enjoyed and appreciated, new treasures appeared to enrapture the heart and glorify the Giver. If we would really partake of the feasting and holy fellowship of Jesus, we must let Him conduct us to His own humility, step by step, as He shows us our need and with Him it is precious, oh, so precious to the soul.

By humbling ourselves before God, studying His word with a strong desire to know His will, and in carefulness to walk therein, we shall grow in grace and in His knowledge. He desires us to be truly devoted and pious, praying without ceasing, rejoicing in trials, submitting to His holy will—thus living and walking to His glory and praise.