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Foundation Truth, Number 1 (Winter 2000) | Timeless Truths Publications

The Discussion Section

We have long felt that a discussion section of conflicting doctrines could be done unto edification by the Lord’s help. Strife and argument are to be avoided—these will not help us spiritually. Nor do we want to discuss things in a way that will cause others to stumble. “Him that is weak in the faith receive ye, but not to doubtful disputations.”* (Romans 14:1) We want to help you to live right, not hinder you; nor do we want to be hindered.

We can profitably discuss these things as long as we abide in lowliness of mind, and God blesses our interchanges with lots of grace to all of us.

Many different teachings are held very sincerely and practiced conscientiously. We want you to know that we respect your right to walk in the light that you have—it is a God-given right and obligation. Still, all these different teachings cannot be right, for truth does not contradict itself. It is to give you and us opportunity to ponder, to pray, to weigh opposing viewpoints, that this effort is being put forth.

Surely, people who love the Lord can soberly assess and evaluate each other’s understanding without giving way to strife and debate. “They that feared the LORD spake often one to another: and the LORD hearkened, and heard it, and a book of remembrance was written before Him for them that feared the LORD, and that thought upon his name.”* (Malachi 3:16) (See also verses 17-18.)

Now, there are two things I would like to bring to your attention here. One: this is a moderated discussion. It is not a free-for-all. We hope that the very fact of it being in print and appearing at approximately three month intervals will bring a considered deliberation to what you submit and what we accept.

How will we decide what to accept? We want to be as fair as possible. First, we will pray about it. Many things that seem suitable to us may not be appropriate at the time or even not at all. We want to be led by the Lord. It is His publication; we trust Him to guide it and take care of it.

Is the submitted material lacking in charity and courtesy? We will edit accordingly. Is it clear? That is, does it communicate the points made in a way that will be helpful for consideration? Let all things be done unto edification. As long as the Lord’s approval is on the discussion, almost anything can be discussed to profit. If that blessing is no longer felt, it is time to stop the discussion, regardless of human interest, etc.

Secondly: we expect to participate in the discussion from time to time. And we hope, by the grace of God, to be an example to other participators in brotherly kindness, humility, longsuffering, brevity, and honesty. When you think of us, pray that we will.

We would remind all, including ourselves, that we stand or fall by the Word of God. All preaching, all teaching comes down to this: is it the Word of God, or is it not?

“Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory; but in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves. Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others.”* (Philippians 2:3-4)