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Foundation Truth, Number 12 (Summer 2005) | Timeless Truths Publications

from Letters of Love and Counsel, by Jenny C. Rutty

Pride and Rebellion

The root of all rebellion is pride. So no one who rejects any of the requirements of the Lord can be free from pride; for we read, “If any man… consent not to wholesome words, even the words of our Lord Jesus Christ, and to the doctrine which is according to godliness, he is proud, knowing nothing.”* (1 Timothy 6:3-5) Many religious people will be quite submissive to many of the teachings of the Bible, but if certain truths are held before them, pride of heart asserts itself in opposition and contention or in apparent excuse for difference of opinion or belief. If all pride is removed from the heart, there is nothing to hinder the Spirit from revealing the precious truth of God to our hearts and minds, thus bringing us to the knowledge of His will.

Will each one who reads this letter look into her heart, by the grace of God, and see if all this bitter root is removed by His grace? If it is not removed, please do not rest until by consecration, and faith in the precious cleansing stream of Christ’s atoning blood, it is removed, and you can praise His name from whom all blessings flow.

Humility is one of the most precious fruits of the Spirit of Christ in our hearts; for instead of desiring the approval and admiration of others, it seeks only to do and be what is good, true, and noble, because it is right and honors God.

When I have seen girls trying to show off, desiring to win attention from others, or to “hold their own with anybody,” endeavoring to “be boss of the situation,” as they express it, there has been a deep longing in my heart that they might see the sweet beauty of true humility. Very many love to be thought bold and careless, quenching all the sweet, gentle, and loving ways that make them truly lovable. Unassuming gentleness, thoughtfulness, firmness, and humble boldness for the right, are much more becoming, even among worldly people. But when we name the name of Christ and profess to be His followers, and do not seek meekness and Christlike humility, we dishonor His blessed name; for He entreats us to “be clothed with humility, for he resisteth the proud but giveth grace to the humble.” If we humble ourselves, He will exalt us by giving us the blessings of salvation.

True humility reveals our own nothingness, but receives the promises of God as a full supply for our lack, that in Him we can do all things that He requires, for “he strengtheneth us.” There is a false modesty or humility that springs from pride. For instance, a young lady is asked to sing for the entertainment of friends; she refuses, excuses herself, and becomes embarrassed and diffident, because some one there can sing better than she can. The woods would be very silent if no birds sang there but those who sing best. The truly humble will do the best they can, not expecting commendation.

Then, dear girls, will you be subject to pride’s tyrannical control, or have it removed root and branch from your hearts, that you may obtain the pure humility of Christ and enjoy His blessings for time and eternity?

Come yield to God, give up your pride
That grieves our Lord, and tries to hide
In depths of fruit, that outward seem
Quite fair and pure, but as the gleam
Of truth divine shall pierce it through,
Behold, it’s wormy, bitter, too,
It has no value, cannot bring
True peace or joy or anything,
But sorrow deep or endless woe—
’Tis true, we reap just what we sow.