A Page for Boys
Ages 10-13
We know that you might not be a 10- to 13-year-old boy, because we have noticed that many of them will not read anything addressed to themselves. But we will try anyway. Oh, we forgot to tell you what we will try. We thought we’d call it an association. You’re probably wondering what “It” is. Well, we haven’t gotten the title yet—we’re counting on you for that.
The purpose of this association is to provoke each other unto love and good works like the Bible teaches (Hebrews 10:24). Jesus is our Example of how to live pleasing to God, but He must first be our Savior and Lord. We are glad if you are on the way to Heaven, but if you’re not, we’ll pray for you. When you live for God, you will find that it is the most exciting adventure a boy could ever have. And this is the adventure we’re going to talk about in this group, including Bible quizzes, questions, riddles, and other things to think about and do.
We’re going to try to make this column interesting to you (that is, the people who this is addressed to), so we will welcome any suggestions you might have. In fact, we’re hoping you will answer some questions that we’ve written below.
- What shall our motto be? Part of our purpose is to be like the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:33). This includes learning to sacrifice ourselves to help others in need. We will mention a book shortly which tells of a group of boys that formed this kind of club. Look in the Bible for good mottos.
- We need a title. Should this be called an association? A squad? A club?
- Do you have any particular topics that you want to discuss? Anything else?
Now, we’re expecting to hear from you. If we don’t, this page may not be interesting. Write to via email or our mailing address.
The following is an excerpt from a book, The Midnight Test:
Mark suddenly decided not to eat his apple. He wasn’t hungry anyhow. What did Andy want with him? Closing his lunch pail and putting it away, Mark hurried outside.
Andy was waiting for him. “The Shetler boys told me about you wanting to join.”
Then it was about the test. Mark held his breath.
“We’re willing to give you a try, and if you pass the test, all right. We haven’t decided what the test is to be yet, but as soon as we do, we’ll let you know.”
“When are you going to decide?” Mark asked.
“As soon as we get a chance to talk with Mervin and Titus. That may be tonight, I’m not sure.
“Oh, yes,” Andy said. “I nearly forgot. You must have your father’s permission to join.”
“Ohhh,” Mark groaned. He hated the job to ask.
“That’s one of our rules,” Andy said firmly. “If you can’t get permission, then we won’t even let you try the test.”
“Then I’ll ask him.”
You can get this book, by Elmo Stoll, from Pathway Bookstore, 2580N 250W, LaGrange, IN 46761.
Who Am I?
- I’m named 25 times in 2 books of the Bible.
- I was once given as much salt as I wanted.
- I made a toll-free, five-month journey.
- I fasted by a river with a group of Israelites to entreat God’s help.
- Once I tore my clothes and pulled out my hair because I was so upset.
- I am the great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-grandson of Aaron.
- A foreign king once wrote a decree for me.
- I was a faithful interpreter of the law.
- I once preached on a wooden pulpit.
Consider: The Bird in the Window
Bang! It was a little black-capped chickadee whose happy whistles we had often heard around the house, but today it was acting very strange. Bang! There it was again, fluttering against our kitchen window pane and pecking at the glass. Did it not see the window? Did it see something inside that it wanted? We couldn’t figure the little bird out.
All morning the sharp whistles and pecks of the chickadee could be heard, first at the kitchen windows, then at the living room ones. Bang! Scrape-bang! At lunch we decided to experiment. We slid open the kitchen window and took out the screen. Maybe it was looking for a place to make a nest and saw something inviting inside. The bird flew away at the disturbance, but soon returned. Cautiously it landed on the window frame and pecked at the glass. But the bird ignored the open window.
At last we realized what was causing the bird’s strange behavior. Can you guess? The chickadee was fighting its own reflection in our windows! Not twenty feet from our kitchen window was a nesting box to which the chickadee and his mate had recently taken a fancy. Now the zealous little bird was ready to defend his territory from any enemy—and the chickadee he saw in our windows was a threat to his peace and happiness. The poor little bird couldn’t understand that this wasn’t a real enemy at all.
We might laugh at this chickadee’s foolishness, but take a moment to consider ourselves. Do we get defensive about little things that really don’t matter? Do we fight something that is just a “reflection in the window”? How about learning a lesson from this little bird? When Mom tells us to do something when we’re having fun, instead of grumbling about it (which only makes the work harder and less fun), let’s jump up and do it cheerfully. Instead of fussing about what we don’t have, we can be thankful for all that we do enjoy. When others say something that is mean or tease us, does it help to “peck” them back? No, not at all. The Bible says “A soft answer turneth away wrath,” (Proverbs 15:1) and you’ll find it is true if you try it out. What else makes us defensive and “pecky” like that little bird?
Think about it. We can waste a great amount of time just making life hard for everyone. When Jesus lived on the earth, He spent His time making life better. There are lots of people who need love and kindness shown to them, and some of them are in your own home. We should pray for the Lord’s help to live like He did. Jesus has promised to help us if we will follow Him and obey the Bible. So, let’s stop fighting “the bird in the window” and get down to the real business of being like Jesus.