Purpose of Foundation Truth
Dear Folks,
Greetings in the name of Jesus, our Friend and Redeemer, who gave Himself for us, the guiltless for the guilty, that we might be saved. Without Him, we can do nothing, but by Him, we can do all things He wants us to do (Philippians 4:13).
We are leaning heavily on the Lord to help us in this task. We want to be of assistance to those who desire to live for God and make heaven their home, and we want to work with the Holy Spirit in stirring and awakening all others to the great necessity of doing so.
That is the purpose of this publication. If we can, by God’s help, be of usefulness to even one soul, then all labor and effort will be more than repaid.
Now we wish to state that we love everyone, even the vast majority of you whom we have not met. How can we say this? With joy, and an inward assurance, I can declare it because “the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost, which is given unto us.” (Romans 5:5) There is no one, at all, whom we resent, or to whom we bear a grudge. We do not have it “in” for anyone, nor are we offended at anyone.
A brother once remarked to someone he had never met before that he had a past acquaintance with them of a sort. Then he explained that he was acquainted with God, and God was acquainted with them, and so he had a sort of indirect acquaintance with them. It is because God knows you and loves you, dear reader, that we venture to write and hope. He is able to give what is needed.
We are but fellow pilgrims on the narrow way, rejoicing in our freedom and walking in the light that has shone upon our pathway. There are things we are persuaded of (deeply) that accompany salvation (Hebrews 6:9), and there are things that we are not certain about. But our trust is in God. He has brought us safely thus far, and we trust Him to lead us safely home.
We could outline a list of what we are convicted of in our heart and a list of questions which occur to our mind. But I am not convinced that it would be profitable for you or for us to do so. Why? In God’s great plan of guidance and correction, you may not be at the same lesson junctures. It may not make sense at this time, although it may be just what you need at another time. We are asking the Lord to guide us. We are asking Him to hover over the paper as you read it and to assist you in getting hold of what is relevant and profitable, spiritually, to you at the time you read it.
If you feel it is necessary for you to know exactly where we stand on a particular principle, please contact us. Write us or call. But, if you read the paper over an extended period of time, we feel certain you will know, and we trust and hope that it will be of benefit to you.
To properly understand the Bible, it is necessary to be under the same Holy Spirit that inspired it to be written. With Brother John, we must be “in the Spirit” (Revelations 1:10) to see and know and understand. Only the Lord can enlighten the eyes of our understanding (Ephesians 1:18), and give skill and understanding (Daniel 9:22; 1:17). The Lord will teach us to rightly divide the Word of Truth, producing a workman that needeth not to be ashamed (2 Timothy 2:15).
Having been taught in this way by this wonderful Teacher for some time, we declare with great joy that we are “not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth.” (Romans 1:16) We would happily shout to all the glorious news: IT WORKS! It does just exactly as promised. Not a single part has failed in any way. Hallelujah! It is gloriously true and accurate. In spite of all who have failed to find, the treasure is yet in the field, and there are those who have paid the full price to buy the same, and are rejoicing in full possession (Matthew 13:44).
If you have been hindered—if you are disillusioned—if you are hurt—bewildered—confused—desperate—in great need—we would declare to you the results of our own personal experience with God and His way: IT WORKS! And we would say to you, “Lift up your head. Look and live. It was designed by God Himself to work in your case.”
“For me the promise sure was made,
And sealed on Calvary.”*
Finally, we ask an interest in your prayers. Ye who love the Lord, would you help hold up our hands? (Exodus 17:8-13).