Sources for Modest Dress
Sisters, we’re sorry—in the last issue of Dear Princess Magazine we asked for addresses where young ladies could obtain modest clothing. In the first issue of Foundation Truth, due to neglect, we forgot to include the addresses sent in. Here they are and we hope they are a help to you:
Lilies of the Field
6809 W. Mills Ave.
Hutchinson, KS 67501
$2 for a catalog
Sisters Sewing
3851 Oregon Pike
Leola, PA 17540
$1 for a catalog
The King’s Daughters
366 Popple Dr. S.E.
Bemidji, MN 56601
$2 for a catalog
—Betsy Womack
Common Sense Designs
Rockport, MA
Call: 1-800-563-1160
Nice jumpers, but most dresses have short sleeves. Only ladies and children’s clothing.
Vermont Country Store
P.O. Box 3000
Manchester Ctr., VT 05255-3000
Call: 1-802-362-8440
Ask for Apparel Catalog—General Catalog has nice cotton slips. Not all pieces are modest, but they do carry nice modest jumpers, etc.
—A. Spinks