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Foundation Truth, Number 22 (Winter 2009) | Timeless Truths Publications

It IS Possible

Do you feel like you’re stuck in a rut? Are you tired of dealing with the same old problems in the same old way? We can’t alter our circumstances, but we can control how we respond to them. You’ve heard that before. But what about living it? Yes, today. Right now.

You see, victory is the birthright of every child of God. What does that mean? It means that you don’t have to be angry at the crazy drivers or your selfish relatives. You don’t have to let your busy schedule cause you stress. Or the Wall Street news. You don’t have to be afraid of losing your job. You don’t have to face life with a bleak outlook or hide behind a pretend smile. You don’t have to live by your feelings or continually fail where you know you should do better. You don’t have to give up hope. You don’t have to read this and turn away and continue on without it making a difference. You don’t have to be a victim of your circumstances.

Sounds impossible? It is, humanly speaking. We are beset by many foes that are too strong for us. But I’m not talking about super-human effort. I’m talking about the overcoming life that is ours through Christ. It IS possible to live higher than our feelings and circumstances. It is possible to “know the joyful sound” and walk each day “in the light of Thy countenance.”* (Psalm 89:15) To know God is pleased with you, no matter what happens. And it starts with your present trial, today.

Perhaps it is the children, the neighbors, or the news on the radio. Maybe you are worn down with your work load, stressed and impatient, having left that “perfect peace” back in the pages of your Bible. I know the feeling. It is easy to think you are a failure—or that all this talk of “higher living” is pure idealism. But when the same problems have set you off again, ask yourself seriously: “Do I want to change—to live better than this?” And if the answer is truly “yes,” then read on.

So you want to be a genuine example of the overcoming life? To live more contented? Have true peace of mind instead of constant frets and fears? Then here is a truth to consider: “As [a man] thinketh in his heart, so is he.”* (Proverbs 23:7) In other words, our reactions in life are simply a reflection of our values. Let’s see. So-and-so didn’t approve of your hard work today, so all your efforts were a “complete waste.” (So-and-so is obviously the key ingredient to your success, right?) And your computer—or blender—worked just fine until that “new feature” came in the catalog and you realized what you were missing out on. (By the way, was the catalog entitled “Authorized Contentment” or “Covetous Spirit”?) You justify your anger when someone side-swipes your brand-new car, or when Jenny “so carelessly” broke grandma’s irreplaceable china. (Would you think differently if you could see your little darling’s broken heart?) So it must be that to change our feelings and actions in life, we must change our perspective and inner priorities.

It is truly that simple—and that deeply rooted. Personally, I am the “take control and make something happen” type. When the Lord delivered me from sin, I had a new perspective all right. I was thankful to be freed from guilt and wanted to keep my conscience clear. So I tried to please God in my own efforts—and clashed ceaselessly with the people and circumstances around me. There wasn’t much inner peace and fruitfulness in my life, and one day I had to face it down. What was the key problem? My perspective on life! Living for Jesus was a struggle and I didn’t know how to change it, because the problems were part of me. But He did.

How does God work in our little self-driven human lives? By bringing us to see the mess we are in, and then offering us the power—through Himself—to get out. Facing the inner problem of our own twisted values (that puts things before people, and my present happiness before eternal gain) is the first step to change. The second is to see that there is an answer—a better way to live. And that it is possible for me, today.

What does this “better life” look like? It is the life Jesus lived. Never personally threatened or defensive, He was always thinking of others and caring for their eternal good. In the midst of care and distress, He was calm and sure. He met and overcame every inner struggle that faces us. And He made it possible for us to live like Him—to have “the mind of Christ.”* (1 Corinthians 2:16) So what is His mind like? “I come to do Thy will, O God,”* (Hebrews 10:9) was the inner priority of Jesus’ life. With His Father first, every other desire and need kept its proper place.

We are individuals. We don’t like to surrender our wills and completely trust another. But that is the secret of the overcoming life. And that’s what the Lord faithfully showed me, when I came seeking for the key to my inner struggle. The surrender of all my energies and ideals to God’s full control wasn’t easy, but it was the gateway to a new experience in life for me. A life where He leads, and I can follow safely, surely, closely—and with everything in proper perspective. God as my loving Father and faithful Shepherd. I as the little, beloved Dependent of His care. What a safe and happy place to be!

This vision has been refined through many a fiery trial. You see, it is the real troubles of life that prove another’s ability to us. No matter how I feel or how things look, God continually shows me that He does know what He is doing. That reality is combated by my senses and feelings day by day. No, I’m not floating on a cloud of idealism. It is a continual choice to keep God first and trust Him above all that I feel and think. But when I feel the pressures rising and the surge of inward irritation seeks to steal my peace, I have a High Tower to run into. And daily, by God’s help, I am able to prove that it is possible to live as an overcomer in this life.

Dear one, do you want to live this experience, too? It IS possible. And it is not dependent on your personality or the problems in your life. It is solely linked to your willingness to put yourself in God’s hands and let Him have His way with you. How? You may ask. By feeling the necessity enough to not settle for anything less! God will not let down the soul completely abandoned to His care. If no true parent or ardent lover would cast off the one who is the delight of their heart, will He? You see, God created us for Himself and how much He wants “to have and to hold” us, and rejoice in His love! Will you refuse Him the right to your heart?

In Christ, this life is possible. It isn’t based on feelings, but on an inner confidence of His presence. Through Him, you have the world—and every trouble and care—under your feet. Not because you feel so sure or strong, but because you know He is. But if you don’t surrender to this heavenly perspective, people will continue to anger you, every changing circumstance will threaten your peace and safety, and you will continue to be pressured, stressed, and despairing. Face it. Life is too big and complicated to handle on your own. It is God that makes it possible to live like you always wished that you could. Seek Him—and keep Him—first, and you’ll enjoy a better day!