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Foundation Truth, Number 33 (Spring 2014) | Timeless Truths Publications

Meditation on Psalm 34:6

“This poor man cried, and the Lord heard him, and saved him out of all his troubles.”* (Psalm 34:6)

This poor man cried. The scripture is personal, for me, for you. It is not just “a poor man cried,” or “that poor man cried.” It is not just to be an encouraging testimony to hear from someone else, or an example of God helping someone in the Bible, but it is for us to have this testimony: I cried out to the Lord; I felt my need; I turned to the Living God for help.

This poor man cried. Yes, “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.”* (Matthew 5:3) I am crying because I am lacking. I am aware of my lack. I am not just trying to “tough it out.” Though I am called to “endure hardness, as a good soldier of Jesus Christ,”* (2 Timothy 2:3) I recognize that I am unable to do this unless the Lord helps me. I am insufficient for the problems confronting me. I am coming, not to bargain, but to plead.

This poor man cried. I am a man—created by God, given dominion over this earth, having as a race sinned and utterly failed at the job. But I am also one of those Jesus died to redeem, to wash me in His own blood and to make me a king and priest (Revelation 1:5-6). God designed for me to reign triumphant with Christ in this life. I am one of those to whom God has extended great and precious promises just so that this can happen (2 Peter 1:4).

This poor man cried. This is crucial. This is not a time to stand upon some poise or dignity. Whether I am crying out loud or simply in my soul, I am pressing my need before the Lord as the baby cries to make known its need. I am acknowledging that my need is serious, that I am in trouble, that I need help. I may be just as unable to express my need clearly as the child, but the Spirit of God will help me (Romans 8:26).

And the Lord heard him. Not just a good man in a position to help me, not someone with human limitations of power and wisdom, but the Most High God. This is He who spoke the worlds into existance with a word. He who knows the end from the beginning, and discerns the motives of the human heart. He who dwells in a high and holy place, yet seeks to revive the humble. My prayer is to the Holy and Loving King of the Universe.

And the Lord heard him. There was nothing blocking my prayer getting through to God, or if there was, I did whatever was needed (repenting, humbling myself, making things right, forgiving somebody, etc.) to remove any hindrances. God took note—and when God takes note, things began to happen. It got through, and it became an action item on God’s current agenda (I speak in human terms—God is not bound in time, but He enters into my time and space to meet my need). He has taken my case into His hands!

And the Lord heard him. Now I’m in the third person. God is the center of the matter now. What He’s is doing or going to do is central, and all the glory is going and will go to the Lord, not to “this poor man.”

And saved him out of all his troubles. I’m still in the third person, but God has wonderfully helped. He saved, He gave the help that was needed, He is the Savior, the hero, the Knight in Shining Armor.

And saved him out of all his troubles. I was in, but because of God, I’m out. God didn’t just blow bugles and say that He was coming, but, praise God, He acted! This is the finished testimony of the past help, and for my current and future troubles, the promise on which I rely.

And saved him out of all his troubles. Not just the trouble or troubles I cried about—He addressed the related troubles, the underlying troubles, He went after what I didn’t even realize was there, and what I didn’t even think to mention.

And save him out of all his troubles. The Lord knows what the troubles are, whether I called it correctly or not. When Abraham begged God all the way down to 10 righteous men being enough to save the city of Sodom from destruction (Genesis 18), God went after the burden that was the real trouble for Abraham, and spared Lot, even while destroying the city. God knows the real needs of our soul, and cares. Praise God!

Brethren, let this scripture be ours!