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Foundation Truth, Number 7 (Autumn 2002) | Timeless Truths Publications

Letter and Reply

Dear Elois,

We received the latest issue of Foundation Truth last week…. There are many things we appreciate about it and enjoy reading. I do have some questions and comments I’d like to share and hope to get answers to.

My first questions have to do with the two articles about Christmas. My husband and I were not raised in godly homes and we celebrated Christmas with Santa and the birth of Christ sort of mixed up together. We were both saved within months after our first child was born, in 1982. We knew we would never teach her or any of our children the “Santa” myth. We knew it was wrong simply because we would be lying to our children. We would be teaching them that it was alright to tell lies. Of course we know who the liar and father of all lies is. So this was unacceptable to even consider.

In our circle of friends and acquaintances over the years even the half-hearted Christians would not include Santa though they did not hesitate to set up a tree, lights and give gifts. This was somehow all to honor the birth of Christ. I remember the first time someone ever mentioned to me the idea of not celebrating Christmas. This was about 15 years ago or so. I, as a professing Christian, could not believe what she said. How could a Christian not celebrate the birth of Jesus! She was not a Christian at the time, though did come to know Him in later years. She was a very intelligent person and did not know Christ but did know her history. She challenged me that as a believer I shouldn’t be involved with such a thing. Christmas as we know it was in actuality a pagan holiday. The Emperor Constantine after his so-called conversion to Christianity declared this day as Christ’s birth. This was to appease the people so they could continue to celebrate and yet follow along with him. He was concerned that they might rebel because some of their pleasure had been taken away…. To be honest it did concern me then but I pushed the thoughts away. I enjoyed Christmas! All the Christians I knew at the time celebrated it, so it must be alright. I did not even share this conversation with my husband. About ten years ago we came to fellowship with some other people. A separated people. Those who cared more about what the Lord had to say than other people. They were willing to give up the traditions of men for the will of God. They shared the article I have enclosed with this letter to you. Needless to say, after my husband and I read it the Lord brought to my remembrance the conversation with my friend I just related to you. To be honest, I had never forgotten it. I would think of it every year. We both sought the Lord in earnest and knew He would just have us give it up altogether….

Obviously you and your family feel different about celebrating December 25th…. To us it is a pagan holiday that was “Christianized” to appease the people… You seem to condone the manger scene as a way to celebrate the birth of Christ on December 25th. Yes, we do rejoice in the birth of Jesus our Savior but the Scriptures tell us to participate in communion, remembering His crucifixion, to partake of the body and blood of Christ, which purchased our pardon. This we are to do in remembrance of Him (1 Corinthians 11:23-26)…. The babe in the manger is a very pleasing thought to the world—even they embrace it! The cross is offensive to those who are not willing to take up their own cross and follow Christ. No wonder Christmas, including the manger scene is accepted by the world….

With love and prayers,

Dear Janette,

We appreciate your questions and the time you have taken to write. We have prayerfully considered them and trust the Lord will give us all the understanding of His will.

The articles you enclosed have been previously read by our family, but we again read them. They have a show of wisdom in some ways, but there still remains a place in our heart that tells us it is not wrong to remember Christ’s birth. Why would God have preserved the knowledge of His Son’s birth if He didn’t want us to remember and rejoice in it? Why would we not tell this story to the children as near to reality as possible as well as all the other Bible stories?

I do believe we must be very careful to not allow the world’s ways into our own lives. How we each one must honestly and sincerely seek God for what pleases Him. Our prayer should be, “Lord, how do You want us to remember Your birth?”

We trust the following article on Christ’s birth will be a blessing to you.

With Christian love,