The Bible Way
If the Bible had not been given us, we should not always know the way Jesus walked. But He has given us His Word. The way of the Bible is the way of Christ, and is therefore the true path of life. O pilgrim to the heavenly kingdom, the Word of God will be a lamp unto thy feet and a light unto thy way. It will lighten you home. There will never be a day so dark but the beams of light from the blessed Bible will pierce through the darkness and fall with a bright radiance upon your pathway. If sometimes you cannot see just where Jesus stepped, take the precious Book of God, and it will be a lamp to show you the way He trod.
One wintry morning a father went a long distance through the deep snow to feed his sheep. A few hours later a little boy was sent to call his father home. The child was carefully stepping in the footprints before him, but soon a dark cloud arose and the blinding snowstorm so dimmed his eye that he frequently stepped aside.
In the beautiful, clear light of the Bible we can see all the way that Jesus trod. If we will walk according to the Bible, we shall walk as Jesus walked and not show a double track. Make the blessed Word of God your guide if you would walk aright the path of life and be happy.
“And often for your comfort you will read the Guide and Chart:
It has wisdom for the mind and sweet solace for the heart;
It will serve you as a mentor; it will guide you sure and straight
All the time that you will journey, be the ending soon or late.”
“The Scriptures are given by inspiration of God and are profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be perfect.” (2 Timothy 3:16) If by faith we receive into our hearts the instruction in righteousness as given by the Scriptures, it will make us perfect in this life. O reader, if you would know how to live, study the Bible. It points out the way clearly and plainly. Let its truths in all their power reach to the depth of thy heart. Let thy soul seize upon the Bible and drink its strength and sweetness as the bee sips the sweetness from the flower. As the animal eats the plant and by assimilation converts it into animal life, so eat the Book of God and convert it into human life. It is the food of angels. But rather than its being the Bible converted into human life, it is the human life transformed into the purity of the Bible. There are great depths to the Bible. The simplest text contains depth to which we can ever be descending.
They who would live a perfect life must set the life of Christ before them as portrayed by the Holy Scriptures. You cannot see much of this perfect life by a passing glance. It is he who looks into the perfect law of liberty and continues to look that will see the perfect life which it pictures. The artist must look long at the landscape and get it imaged upon his soul before he can produce it upon canvas. The Bible description of the life of Christ must fill your soul with admiration and with a strong desire to possess it. Your heart must lay hold upon it until that life is focused and printed upon your own soul. It is like the art of photography. The object must be set before the heart.
The Bible is the light that shines that image of Christ upon the soul. For the pure in heart to develop into higher spiritual life, they must gain such an admiration for the beauty of Christ that they will long to possess Him in greater fullness. The pleading of the heart will be, “Lord, let Thy beauty be upon us” (Psalm 90:17). Their souls will follow hard after His perfections. In no other way will the soul unfold and develop into the higher Christian life. He who has not learned how to grow in grace has not yet learned how to live. To live life in the best possible manner is to be making constant progress. Oh, let us give this world our best life! When we are nearing the end of the way and life’s sun is sinking low, if on looking back we can see nothing but a life spent in the service of God walking in the light of His Word, this will afford us untold satisfaction.
O blessed Word of eternal life,
The lamp to guide the way
Through this weary world of sin and strife
To heaven’s perfect day!