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How to Resist the Devil | F. J. Perryman
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Satan as a Chameleon

Peter’s admonition is directly applicable to us today. The devil’s character has in no way been altered since Peter, under inspiration, wrote the epistles which bear his name. Satan is still a liar, a murderer, a divider, and a counterfeiter, and he assumes any other role that suits his purpose for the moment.

He goes about “as a roaring lion.”* (1 Peter 5:8) He is on the move. If he appears as “an angel of light,”* (2 Corinthians 11:14) then the danger is the greater to us. Here also is an added reason for enlightened eyes, released wills, courageous hearts, and endued spirits to rally to the need of our day. By submitting ourselves to God, we will put into force those infallible weapons of victory which have been forged and sealed in the cross of Him who, at Calvary, cast out “the prince of this world,”* (John 12:31) completely stripped off the “principalities and powers,” and “made a shew of them openly, triumphing over them in it.”* (Colossians 2:15)