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The Question

Can we worship God with musical instruments in the New Testament church?

This is a vital question of the day in which we live. So many people are in error on this subject that I feel especially burdened of the Lord to write on it. I used to think it didn’t make much difference whether we did or did not have musical instruments in the church, but the Lord has showed me some vital truths on the subject in His Word.

The Lord has always required His people to do all things according to His Word, as He told Moses to “make all things according to the pattern”* (Hebrews 8:5) which He showed him on the mount; and Jesus said, “Why call ye me Lord, Lord, and do not the things which I say?”* (Luke 6:46)

Before we discuss this subject, we must say, as Jesus told Nicodemus, “Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.”* (John 3:3) Dear reader, it is needful for you to have been born of the Spirit of God, for this writing is about spiritual things that are in the kingdom of God, so one must be in the spiritual kingdom to see spiritual things. The natural man cannot discern the things of the Spirit, for they are foolishness to him. This subject of music in the church is surely a spiritual subject. Now, dear reader, get your Bible out before you read any farther, as this question can only be answered by the Word of God. I am going to deal wholly with God’s Word.